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If there is a fee at your children's school for lunches, how much is it? - Printable Version

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- luna - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Well we have a cafeteria where students(in the cooking class) make/bake the lunches and we use foods (like tomato's for sauce) grown from our school. We then sell the food to students or staff and the money goes back to the school to keep up the funding for the cafeteria products and the green house.

So yeah. The students have money from either parents/jobs they work themselves and they buy their own lunches. Normally pizza is like $5 or if you want pasta its around 5-9 dollars at the most of a variety of stuff.

Personally I just bring a lunch from home... O.o

- Y - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Something like $2.65 or.75 a day.
They can borrow twice, without paying back. The first time they get a meal, the second time they get a cheese sandwich, the third time, they get nothing.

I have no issue with the kid going hungry if the parents aren't paying what they owe. There are lunch programs for those that can't afford it. They could always take the time to brown bag it. The schools don't just stop serving, they send notes home to the parents first. The parents are the ones that are suppose to do what they need to so their kids eat and a kid missing lunch every now and then isn't going to hurt them.

- livelyflavor360 - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

if the parents have not paid then the children will have to bring a lunch from home....not the end of the world.......however i am appalled at the way this was handled by this particular school.
a more appropriate way would have been for the child's counsellor/teacher/whoever to take them aside and explain they needed to bring their lunch to school until their parents and teacher talked. but to give them a lunch, take it away and throw it in the trash is the reprehensible action of a mean spirited bully.
they have humiliated the child in front of their friends and classmates and that is not acceptable.