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Doesn't this article make you hate social media even more than you already do? - Printable Version

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Doesn't this article make you hate social media even more than you already do? - Joe Blome - 03-24-2014 04:15 PM

So now they'll use your facebook against you in court, and then they'll use it against you in court if you don't have a facebook because if you don't have one, you obviously have things to hide....

Sounds to me like the government and corporations are in a conspiracy to drive us to use facebook so we can all be tracked and monitored.

My favorite quote from the article is "'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says."

Again, another politician, corporate hag completely out of touch with how the Internet works. If you meet someone in person they might not give you their real name, so they should have a facebook to verify it... BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LIE ABOUT ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET.... HERPPPPPPPDERRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

OMFG I hate social media, I hate the twitter losers, you know, those people who couldn't look at how great Gabby Douglas was for the black community so they made her hair the #1 issue.

Social media is a fking joke

- 03o - 03-24-2014 04:17 PM

Social media is just supposed to be for fun
Not a government insitution!, the only plausible reason I see for using Facebook against someone in court, is for transcripts proving bullying, hate speech or death threats. Otherwise lack of Facebook doesn't prove anything, that is all just accusations.