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My crush seriously hates me and I'm trying to get over him!!! Please help me!!!uke? - Printable Version

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My crush seriously hates me and I'm trying to get over him!!! Please help me!!!uke? - Nancy - 03-24-2014 04:15 PM


So I need help here I am so lost!!

I liked this guy for like 3 years now!! And I still like him! I am so stupid!! I hate myself for liking him!!! He is funny and really cute and attractive and whenever he talks to me or even if he just stares at me or asks me for a eraser or pencil my heart just stops and It's the best feeling ever! But of course ! He hates me and doesn't like me! I mean he has 2 sides to himself he is double sided! One side he is a really sweet nice loving funny guy! The other he is a fucking asshole and I wish he could rot in hell and I hate his guts! It's so hard!! Some days he can be really mean to me and some days he could be super nice !

So today at school i sit in a group with one of his best pals who I don't like (his "pal'' is a asshole) so anyway the teacher said you can work with a partner and I decided not to so I stayed in my seat but his pal invited him to sit with him in the group that I'm in and I wanted to act funny and nice towards him but NOPE! He said something and I said something else that I thought was funny but wasn't and he said "(my name), No one cares about what you do and blahblah" and I said "no one cares about your Instagram!'' He posts stupid crap on his Instagram and then he said "no one cares about your Instagram!!! And no one cares about you and blablabla" I just kept quiet and just worked on my homework!!

It really hurt me and I shouldn't be treated that way! I tried to be nice I swear I could have swore at him and make him kiss my feet but he is my crush and everything! I am still a idiot and I like him! How can I get over him? I can't like someone else there is no one else TO like!! Please help me!!!!

- johnb693 - 03-24-2014 04:16 PM

No one at all, around you, that you can crush on. Time for you to look a lot harder of what is available,
If not, then crush on some hunk, on TV or in the Movies.
Then dwell more on what you don't like about your 'crush' and you sure have plenty of material to work with, and not on what you once liked about him.
He will soon fade from your thoughts, and someone else, will take his place.

- Bro Street - 03-24-2014 04:19 PM

Move on and try to realize there are others out there that will treat u well

- shortkitten220 - 03-24-2014 04:23 PM

Dump him, and all thoughts of him. Revenge would be finding someone who treats you like you should be treated, and enjoy your life. Pretend he does not breathe the same air as you do, and move on---

- esim345 - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

If you're curious, I checked. Not including the title, your question had 24 sentences. Of those, 13 ended with a single exclamation point. 7 ended with a double exclamation point. 2 ended with a triple exclamation point. 1 ended with a quadruple exclamation point. 1 ended with a question mark. None of them ended with a period. That's 37 exclamation points in 24 sentences. That's an average of slightly more than 3 exclamation points every 2 sentences.

I have no advise for your situation with your crush. But maybe you should calm down with the exclamation points.