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What are the 5 most important political issues in the 2014 election and where do you stand on them? - Printable Version

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What are the 5 most important political issues in the 2014 election and where do you stand on them? - Bad Things Happen - 03-24-2014 04:17 PM

- GOD - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

the federal reserve - audit the fed

immigration reform aka amnesty for 11 million illegals...FORGET IT!

17 trillion n DEBT - defund whatever is not in the US Constitution

- bobemac - 03-24-2014 04:28 PM

17 trillion in debt and rising

- UngratefulConqueror368 - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

Rather than insert my opinion, I'll go with polling as to which are the most important.
1) The Economy - the vast majority of economic indicators tend to respond better to Republican policy than to Democrat policy
2) Health care - it's been a long time since anything like "Republican Health Care Policy" has been in effect. NO ONE EVER complained about it. EVERY complaint ANYONE EVER made with "the health care system" was specifically about a feature of Democrat policy.
3) Job creation - no contest. More Republicans : more jobs. r=0.43 p=0.0003
4) Gov. spending - ONLY Republicans have EVER offered a spending plan that ALLOWS debt mitigation to EVER happen.
5) Gov. ethics and corruption - Republicans tend to prosecute and expel their own members for ethics problems. Democrats protect theirs and promote them to more powerful, more influential positions.

- Edgar - 03-24-2014 04:38 PM

Jobs - we need politicians willing to put the policies in place that will encourage employers to hire (note: employers have been telling us for years what those policies are - it isn't like our elected officials do not know what to do to encourage employers to hire)

The Economy - priority two; enough said

Entitlement Reform - Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security will not continue as currently constituted; that is simply impossible demographically, and financially, and this has been known for decades (yes, seriously); again, we need politicians who will address this issue

ObamaCare - needs a do-over starting at square one; of course, we don't do things that way, so I'll just say that if we already cannot afford our current major entitlements, how is it we're to believe we can afford another one (has anyone seen a real, live adult lately!?! lol)

Balanced Budget - well, not really balanced, but we need a PLAN that both parties can agree on that will reduce our deficit to an appropriate level over the next few years; if we don't develop and implement such a plan...well...we're going to do it whether we want to or not - the bond market will see to that; it would be better if we implemented a plan of our own choosing rather than one dictated by our creditors