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I want to explore my country, India ? - Printable Version

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I want to explore my country, India ? - Vrithrahan - 03-24-2014 04:19 PM

I want to experience the crazy diversity that unites this country. I want to explore the ideas and free thinking that fuels this country. I want see its ever changing landscape and feel the varying weather across this country. I want to understand the poverty and its root in this country. I want to feel the humanity thats the soul of this country. I want to draw and make pictures of this beautiful country. I want to atleast speak a word of many different languages of this country. I want to accquaint myself with many customs of this country.....

How can do all the above? Tell the best way to do it?
I am thinking of becoming a sadhu!

- rodger - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

In a locked automobile.

- mammothfather977 - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

Become a Physicist. I'm a physicist, and it makes me feel like god.

- James - 03-24-2014 04:34 PM

Travel. When I worked in Madras, India I visited Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry/Auroville, Thiruchi, Tanjavur, Kanyakumari, Rameswaram, and Kodaikanal (please excuse me if I'm misspelling these). I really got to experience Southern India by doing so.

I wish I had time to see the North West. Perhaps I'll visit India again.

- Learner - 03-24-2014 04:43 PM

Well, besides actually hauling yourself physically to places that might intrigue you - challenging in terms of its time and financial requirements, not to mention safety concerns, there are many different avenues you might utilize for your exploration.

Some of these might include movies, documentaries, books, coffee table books (plenty of these depict lives and terrain and beauty in magnificent photos and accompanying blurbs). Use social media sites to get connected with and befriend people from geographically distant places, exchange emails or letters.

Exploring an entire country can take a lifetime, so if that really something you're passionate about, set that as your goal. Pick a place or two to visit each year, immerse yourself in the local culture: purchase their arts and crafts, visit their temples, talk to them about what their concept of a "unified India" is. Share souvenirs from your past destinations with local residents in the new places you visit, that is bound to be exciting for them. Record these talks and maintain a v-log or write about your experiences in a blog as you go along, sharing your experiences with others will make it easier for those who share your interest to offer additional ideas, thoughts and recommendations as well.

Remember not to overwhelm yourself. Exploration can be as simple as purchasing a calendar with pictures of different sites and it can be as rich as going and living their lifestyle with them for a few days. It can be made convenient with prearranged itineraries with travel agencies who take on the burden of crafting a tour, or it could be a roadmap you draw yourself. Do what your lifestyle and finances allow, and enjoy the journey.

- hollowsack249 - 03-24-2014 04:49 PM

Just got my passport and I want to travel to India and Nepal first. I don't know your age, education, or anything else about you, but have you thought about being a photojournalist? Travel Writer? Political writer? Everything's competitive these days but based on that paragraph above I think you just might succeed there. Get a good camera and send in some pictures to National Geographic. You never know until you start doing it,... where it will lead! Namaste.