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Motorola Cliq: Deleted FaceBook Account from phone and it won't add back in.? - Printable Version

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Motorola Cliq: Deleted FaceBook Account from phone and it won't add back in.? - KeepHoldingOn - 03-24-2014 04:19 PM

I just got a Motorola Cliq. My husband added my FaceBook account onto the Moto Blur and it worked well. Then I deleted a contact and didn't realize it waas a facebook contact and not just a regular one. I didn't know how to add it back in so I deleted the Facebook account and tried to add it back in to start over. ANd now it says error everytime I try to add my Facebook account. HELP?

Adding and re-syncing FB contacts?
Adding FaceBook account error?

- Christine B - 03-24-2014 04:23 PM

I just got mine yesterday and I had the same problem. I deleted FB and now it will not let me add it. I spent a total of 4 to 5 hours since yesterday with tmobile and motorola. Basically they say I have a defected device and need to ship it back and they will send me a new one

- Youngin - 03-24-2014 04:25 PM

For Christine, this is not an isolated issue. I have had my Cliq since December and it has worked like a dream. This started today. I noticed I couldn't see any of my Facebook contacts. I waited 4 hours to see if they showed up but again nothing. I reset the phone still nothing. I installed the new update from motorola (Settings -> About phone -> System Updates [Officially released February 24, 2010]), still nothing. I finally tried deleting the facebook account and adding it back and have been getting the error (for the last 2 hours) Error adding account -> There was an error creating your account. Please try again.

I have been at it for 2 hours. There are reports of other Cliq users, who have had the phone for a while also, having it.

My theory is that Facebook upgraded/switched servers overnight/this morning. This explains why I could no longer see my contacts and no one can add the account. Motoblur is more than likely pointing to the wrong servers (or not all of the right servers) hence why there is an error. I tried putting in the right username and wrong password and it was able to verify that it was the wrong password so it seems that a few server changes are causing this craziness.

- Happyman - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

syncing FB contacts can be done once you get the account sett up, they have an option for you to do that.
You just to power the phone down, remove battery and restart the phone. Then go to facebook and set it up again.