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What is the best way to market and promote online? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to market and promote online? - PayEverythingForward - 03-24-2014 04:19 PM

I have a non-profit organization website that I am trying to move up the ranks in organic searches. I'm writing a lot of blogs and constantly updating it. I'm also using various social media outlets to get it out there as well. Is there a certain area I should focus on more than another area? Here is the website:
I checked out warriorforum but haven't really delved into that just yet.

I already have a facebook, adwords, and twitter account. I even have my sister site linked up to this site.

- Steven - 03-24-2014 04:23 PM

It would take pages to explain everything, in todays age it might be better not to do anything purposefully as google is getting really harsh on how they penalize sites. If your looking for more check out the It's a great site full of experienced marketers and pages of people asking this exact question.

- Kotii - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

Maybe use google Adwords! Create a Facebook fan page and a twitter account for your organization! You can also make a YouTube videos! Remember that sharing with friends and telling them to share forward works like a charm!

- iphone wizard - 03-24-2014 04:35 PM

Facebook. Real active users

- wallacrw - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

Give it time. It can take 3-4 weeks for any changes you make to have an effect on your search rankings.

The best thing you can do is to focus on a couple of keywords and phrases that you want to rank for, and then steadily add content that is optimized for those words or phrases.

If your content is good, then others will link to it, and this creates the backlinks that everyone craves. A word of caution (particularly with respect to Warrior Forum): DO NOT pay for backlinks. This will very likely end up hurting you in the search engine results.

Also, if your content is good, you can try to have guest blog posts placed on other sites that are complementary to your non-profit. Find out who else is talking about what you're talking about, and reach out to them directly to discuss (i) guest posts and (ii) sharing links to each other's site. That kind of backlinking always helps and it's good for everyone involved.

- rhenium3 - 03-24-2014 04:47 PM

Everything is really important, but for us we get most of our traffic through search engine. So focus on good content, and as somebody said, guest blog posts.

For help with SEO, I recommend They have tons of great free resources, and they will help increase your SEO knowledge.

Otherwise have good content, contest, and be friendly on social media. Email marketing also helps to get users to come back. But getting links is the golden rule, so guest blog posts will help.

It sounds like you are doing pretty

- D. - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

ok youve got a facebook acct which is good. now how about facebook pages? create how or more of those. makes it easy to add sharing buttons to your site if you haven't already done so.

sign up for article directories like squidoo , ezine , hub pages, and yahoos associated content.

use all popular social media sites to interact with others like linkedin , twitter google plus, try and come up with youtube vids as well. people are more likely to share videos than articles.... much more, like 12x more according to IMGrind

some ideas for advertising are visible right here

- Tammy - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

Make your content keyword rich also participate in social media by sharing meaningful content. Even if you are posting a comment, make them insightful so that your audience can benefit from it. Social media marketing is slow but a definite success. So you need to give in much of your time and efforts for fruitful results.

- nick who? - 03-24-2014 05:04 PM

If you have videos to upload try You can upload videos, post and "push" status updates like your website URL to your videos. It's a Push Notification System that pushes your status updates to your online videos.