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I always think of really good quotes, could I do something productive with my "deep" moments? - Printable Version

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I always think of really good quotes, could I do something productive with my "deep" moments? - Jack - 03-24-2014 04:19 PM

I'm the type of person who has a lot of "deep" moments during the day, mainly in the evening. Most of the time I think of some really good quotes and upload them to my Steam Profile. I feel as if their is something more productive I could be doing with these "deep" moments, has anyone got any ideas on how I could put these moments or quotes to use?

I've thought of doing some sort of website but I'm not sure what the website could contain. Suggestions would be amazing, thanks!

- Jonathan Huie - 03-24-2014 04:21 PM

Sharing quotes with Facebook friends is good, especially if your friends like what you say enough to share with their friends so your audience grows. Also consider starting a blog, which can be done for free and not too much effort. My Daily Inspiration blog at website, takes a lot more effort than you probably want to invest.