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Why does no one respects me/ why does everyone hate me? - Printable Version

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Why does no one respects me/ why does everyone hate me? - Joao - 03-24-2014 04:20 PM

So, I've recently been thinking about some things in my life, and one of them was the fact that no one respected me.
I'm 14 years old boy, 9th grade and class' clown etc. I basically just try to make everyone laugh and happy, and it seems to work sometimes.
Now the problem...what do I get in exchange? Nothing. Just nothing.
I'm always there to help people on their darkest/happiest hours, I'm always there to serve as a company, I'm always trying to be friends with everyone, I'm always trying to get in any kind of groups, I'm always trying to teach things to my friends, I'm always trying to give ideas, I'm always trying to say/do something funny when my friends ask me to, I'm always there to defend anyone. What do I get?
Absolute fucking nothing.
If I don't do something funny for the guys, I get ignored/hated.
If I don't do something funny for the girls, I get ignored/hated.
2 nights, 2 fucking nights , I couldn't sleep for 2 nights, (this is gonna be the 3th) I literally just go to bed at 11 pm, cry for about 4-5 hours and then I have to wake up at 7 am for another day in hell.
I have a shit father who doesnt talk to me , I have a shit brother who doesn't talk to me, I have a shit mother that keeps 'pushing' even more my stress, I have shit friends that don't even bother to start a convo., or call me, or send me a msg on facebook or some shit (I'm always online and I know they are too, and each time I send someone a msg or when I get online, I see a bunch of people just going offline, and I know they don't have to go do anything), I have a shit family that don't even bother to gift me anything on my b-days.

If this continues like this, I don't think I wanna continue to live like this anymore. Fair enough, ey?

- MzCalypso - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

When you set yourself up as 'class clown,' you are inviting people to laugh at you.

People seldom respect someone they laugh at.

Stop trying to get all your self-worth from what you can do for other people. Find things you can do on your own that you can be proud of.

Does your school have ANY kind of counseling? Go ask for help.

- Bradley - 03-24-2014 04:34 PM

I'm 16 an I'm the same, I give so much and get so little. Just keep your head down and go around with other people, who cares who they are or what they look like as long as they like you it's fine. I went around with assholes that use to bully me ad I have them so much so I went around with other people and they were the best years of my life, I'm still friends with all of them and the people who bullied me have all split up and there losers working in mcdonalds. Stop trying to make people laugh in lessons and sit with other people and talk

Don't end your life no matter how hard it gets, it will get so so much better, trust me!! Kik me if your feeling down 15brad

- Bobbin - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

This is actually the typical background of "class clowns," desperate for attention and acceptance. Your friends are too immature yet to see beneath the surface, to see your inner torment. There's no excuse for your family except that they're just used to ignoring you. No one is likely to realize what is happening to you on their own, you need to tell someone. Open up to your counselor or a teacher or a friend's parent. This may sound extreme, but if no one else helps, call 9-1-1. There are other help lines, but when your life is on the line, that's the fastest, surest way to get action. Hang in there. The older you get, the more control you have, and the more capable your friends are of helping.

- Fitz - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

class clown is a very dangerous label to get yourself into. suddenly everyone expects you to just be funny and will be less likely to respect you as a person beyond that. you need to start getting out of this label, and try making friends with people who will respect a funny person for everything else they are. i know its not an appreciated roll, but it is important, and theres people who do understand that instead of taking advantage of it. everyone needs some comic relief in their lives, and even though it is thankless, you need to be proud of what you do. i would try presenting who you really are when meeting new people and try and make them laugh after youve shown them that your an independent feeling human being. you can still be a funny person, but come across as having more to you as well, but the only way to do this is to start showing it. as for your family, some people just wind up with crummy ones. mine is pretty split. my father is like your family, while my mom (when she was alive) was more accepting, loving, wise, and patient then most people parents. what i have done with my father is basically let him know that if hes going to be an insensitive jerk i dont want to be in his life. he wont accept that, and because of it, i avoid him. strangely though, even though i consider myself an orphan at this point, im still happier not having to deal with his -angry expletive-. you just need to to try and build up a tough skin with them and when your able get the hell out of their house, and have a relationship with them on your terms.

- michchay97 - 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

Don't mind how people treat you. But if people are harming you, you gotta speak up and tell them. Maybe because you're a class clown, they think you're always happy. respect is hard to get when you started with an attitude that people would think you don't need respect. If you think people don't respect you, you gotta have self respect at least. You're not sleeping for 2 days, that's really bad. respect your health at least. I don't know you and i don't have the right to judge but just remember respect yourself because these people, they will come and go anyways. but i guarantee they will remember you as that happy dude. and if people are ignoring you, then don't mind it. Just think, you're making them happy, it should make you happy too and you can be a better person. if your brother, dad are ignoring you, then talk to them. maybe they have problems too when you understand them, tell them how you feel about them maybe they don't know what you're feeling. and your mom, start a talk with her and tell her what you feel inside maybe she doesn't know. and these friends, tell them what you feel inside. you might be a boy but remember you're a person too with feelings. if they think its gay or something like that, then they're not real friends. or i suggest talk to a therapist if you need that much help.