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Facebook problem after changing password? - Printable Version

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Facebook problem after changing password? - TeeCrochet - 03-24-2014 04:21 PM

I recently changed my password and since then all my contacts, history, and pictures are gone and it says I just joined Facebook on that date. This occurs on any computer I sign into. But, when one of my original contacts opens my profile on their Facebook all my contacts and pictures and history are there. Not quite sure what to do to correct this problem. I did report this to Facebook and I was sent a generic response which recreated the same problem. Can anyone out there help?
Thanks in advance!

- Crrider13 - 03-24-2014 04:24 PM

it's possible that you were the victim of "Phishing" which is when a fake login or password change website actually steals your login information. You should get in touch with facebook tech support. they may be able to restore your account.