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I fucking hate divorce, need some advice for my future? - Printable Version

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I fucking hate divorce, need some advice for my future? - ..... - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Okay I'm 14 and just finished 9th grade at the end of last year. My parents have been divorced for 10 years, my mum still hates him. And it hurts so much when i think about their last fight because I was present, hugging my mum. When I finish school, I plan to move to the US. My dad has a citizenship, a new wife and 2 daughters. I rarely see them since I live in Australia and they are only 6 and 2 so they are too young for facebook or something. I want to quit school but I'm going to need money since I want to fly back of Australia occasionally to visit my mother's side of the family. When I finish school I will be about 17 and a half. I want to be there for my little sisters even though their mom hates me, we really bonded when I first met them on a holiday in Vietnam

Is there anyway I could go there for a year of school for year 11?
Question is How do I get my father to sponser me to the US?
And how to make my step mom like me, i've never done anything to her and she hates me?
I'm not going to tell my mom since she won't let me go?
And is university better in Australia or America? (I don't know what course to do)

- Swamp Gator - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

With him being your father, I think you could come here to live with him on that reason alone.

As for his wife, she might feel slighted with your presence. You sound like a smart fellow and I think that maybe if you tried talking to her and told her your intentions and asked her how you two could learn to like each other, maybe she would be willing to try.

- Gary Irish - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

There are ways for your dad to bring you into the U.S. It might require an immigration attorney to get all the paperwork straight. As with schooling, there are ways to determine where you need to be in American schools.

The thing I would be careful about is your father's new wife. Women are funny about their nest. They sometimes will say everything that everybody wants to hear because they don't want to show their true feelings, and not seem like horrible people to the other family members, but once you are there, she might begin to change on you within a few weeks to a few months. Not all wives are like this, and some might be the best thing for you, but it's my experience that wives want to run their family, home and their husband. You could easily been seen as the interloper that she will have to share not only her home, but her husband. Take it slow and don't let issues get swept away for a future larger fight.