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My ex is haunting...? - Printable Version

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My ex is haunting...? - David - 03-24-2014 04:22 PM

Wtf. My girl and I broke up almost two years ago and I think about her.

I definitely do NOT want to get back together, I ignore her texts, I said I don't want to be friends (and meant it), and I don't give a *&%! that she has a boyfriend.

Yet for some reason, I think about her all of the time. Not in a hurtful way, but it just seems like we broke up yesterday....

I repeat. I don't have feelings for her. She's just constantly in my head.... why??? Thanks.
To the first three answers:

1. When I think of getting back together, I think of her and her personality that I could never be with.
2. She didn't cheat on me.
3. I erased her from FB a long time ago and threw out her stuff, I ignore all of her texts :/

- Wonder Girl - 03-24-2014 04:28 PM

Maybe you still like her ? But you dont want to admit it...
Was she your first love?? 0; that counts 2

- Christina - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

I think u have feelings that u can't face yet. Did she cheat on u? Maybe if u talk to her u can let those feelings die.

- Crysi - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

You may not miss her, but you probably adore the memories with her. If you want to forget her, you need to cut her off from everything. Delete her from all social media and delete her number. Avoid her if you can.