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my gym teacher is giving me signs making me uncomfortable? (10 pts)? - Printable Version

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my gym teacher is giving me signs making me uncomfortable? (10 pts)? - unicorn - 03-24-2014 04:23 PM

to begin with, im only 14!!!!! whats really weird, is that i have a male gym teacher who is probably in his mid 20's, married and flirts with me? thankfully he isn't touchy or anything, but always talks to me, keeps asking me about my personal life, added me on facebook ( i accepted his friend request) and chats with me, in addition somehow helps me cheat when it comes to gym class. we had a writing exam about some physical gym stuff, im an athlete and smart ( he knows that), and i dont know why but messages me some hints about the exam through facebook, and through the exam stayed by my side (which made me uncomfortable) and whispered a couple of answers! like bro, i appreciate it, but leave me alone.
.. it was my final day at school (winter break), any ways I was walking, and he stopped me to give me a small chocolate gift (only for me), he insisted that i should take it saying that he saved it the whole day to give it to me, and that its "okay" i could get him another one.
but... umm ok? thats kinda creepy. some of my friends notice his actions and tease me telling me that im "his favourite". he's a really nice teacher and i dont want him to get in trouble or anything, i just want him to 'leave me alone'..
oh and do u think that im reading the signs incorrectly? am i overreacting? or is he just being nice?
thanks Smile

- Olivia - 03-24-2014 04:23 PM

You should no way be friends with him on Facebook, it's against the law, the only way it would be allowed is if you knew him before school. I suggest you unfriend him on Facebook and see what happens, if he brings it up, then you know something is up. Blocking him on Facebook may also work. If he is making you uncomfortable afterwards I suggest you tell your parents or your school guidance leaders.

- K - 03-24-2014 04:29 PM

Woah no, that's really weird. He's a grown man, married, a teacher and you're 14. He shouldn't be adding any of his students on Facebook, let alone a 14 year old (no offense). The fact that he saved a piece of chocolate all day to give to you, means he is thinking about you more than he should. Anytime a teacher abuses his/her authority the way he is and makes you feel uncomfortable, you need to tell somebody. Even your friends have noticed it, so you have witnesses. Save the Facebook chats, print them out and bring them to the principal. Have some friends go with you so you're not alone and so that you have witnesses. Don't allow this weirdness to happen anymore. Tell the principal how uncomfortable this teacher is making you. He can get into a lot of trouble for everything he's doing.

P.S. I agree with Olivia, block him on Facebook. Tell him it's not appropriate for him to be adding students on Facebook or chatting with them on there. Teachers should always stick to being professional, at least until the student is 18 and graduated, which you are not.

- Lauren - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

Okey this guy should NOT be acting like this. I dont know how it works in America but here in the UK it is ILLEGAL to behave that way towards a minor - let alone someone you teach. If he carrys on like that then he could be arrested so I suggest that you go to the head of school and explain how you're uncomfortable around this man. You're not overreacting I promise, it isnt you thats in the wrong - its him. He should not be acting this way and you shouldnt of added him on facebook as that only gives him the wrong impression.
You need to tell an adult about this, tell them everything that has happened.
Best of luckSmile x