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why wont most of my favorite pages on facebook show up on my facebook page? - Printable Version

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why wont most of my favorite pages on facebook show up on my facebook page? - Raul Gonzalez - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

Pages that I have liked wont show up on my facebook wall. For example the Beatles page posts wont show up, most other wont show up either. Is it that i have too many friends(90), Or is it that I have too many pages liked(57) posting too many things?

- Irenee Panis - 10-15-2012 08:18 PM

57 likes? Please. I have 700+ and they still show up on my wall. ANYWAYS. Are you sure? Does it say anything like, "____ likes _____" ? If it doesn't, then I don't know. :I Sorry for wasting your time with this answer, rofl.

- xx20xxmn - 10-15-2012 08:18 PM

Usually this happens if you have a big number of friends or likes, but 90 friends is not too much. I remember one time there was a problem in some pages that their posts don't show on fans news feed, but i think facebook fixed that problem. Other than that sorry i have no idea what would it be!!!