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jobs for aussies in london? - Printable Version

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jobs for aussies in london? - Mike - 03-24-2014 04:24 PM

is it relatively easy for aussies to get jobs in london? as bar staff or similar. as a work/travel type thing. i know this is a very broad question but any insight is appreciated

- ? - 03-24-2014 04:25 PM

you may not work

- David S - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

Yes there are always tons of bar and restaurant jobs avaiulable or you can register with the sort of catering agencies that do banqueting etc

- luddite - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

Of course, if you have the right visa you can apply for these jobs, but be aware that competition for these types of jobs is intense due to high unemployment, especially amongst the young. Experience in this type of work will be a great advantage.
This kind of work is also minimum wage, and the minimum wage is not a living wage especially in London.

- tinysofa186 - 03-24-2014 04:46 PM

Hi yes many come and do bar jobs it does seem to be one of the most popular forms of employment.

- Velocity - 03-24-2014 04:54 PM

theres a special youth visa for young people in the commonwealth to work here. if your parents are brits, you can apply for dual citizenship, like wise with a grandparent from some countries (ireland for example, tho not the uk). a visa wont be the hard part, but earning money to live will be.
london is the most expensive city in the uk~ rents are eye watering, so many aussies share rooms here (very rare for brits to do do this) to cut costs. msot of your income will go on rent and travel~ despite this, its possible to live on little in london and have a ton of fun. students arent the most well off lot, and manage to do it~ you will too.
the flip side of being an expensive city is that the economy here is far better than the rest of the uk, so jobs are easier to come by. aussies are generally well liked here : )

there are a ton of ex pat groups online~ theyd be your best place to ask for advice on how others have found it recently~ itd also give you connections ready made for when you land, to make it a little less daunting : )

there are still some aussie bars in covent garden, in central london, as well as others scattered across the city, and even aussie club nights~ inc the excellently titled bogan bingo: ***** disco ; ) youll never be lonely. sadly the aussie food shop has closed, so youll have to get your mum to send over tam tams, though some shops sell vegemite. i have no idea why since its evil.

another idea might be to live outside london for a while, eg, doing live in hotel work~ it can be gruelling, though, so aim for a small town, rather than somewhere really remote unless youre fond of long walks alone (which can be fine~ but since youre asking about london, im assuming youre of a more social bent). it could be an option for a short time, when you first come over, though, as itd give you a base, and the chance to look for something more permanent in london.

if youre not needle phobic, medical testing is an excellent way to earn money with little work. its strictly controlled by the government, so fairly safe, and paid according to how invasive it is~ ie, if they take blood samples to see how its affecting you, you get more dosh. also, if you have an existing medical condition, you can earn money in trials for medication for that.
i had a housemate pay his way thru uni doing this~ said it was all aussies and students, so actually very social. some places you even stay a week, though its usually day or weekend visits, and just hang out playing pool and nintendo etc, or read in your room. I think he got about £3.5k for one of about 5 weekend visits, over 3 months. you can also sign up to do market research~ its irregular, but you can pick up £50 for an hour's opinion on a new product etc. there are ad hoc ads on gumtree, as well as agencies to sign up with long term. its mostly in the day time, so if youre working afternoons/evenings, could fit it in.

you can get an idea of wages by looking through the jobs in the jobs section on london gumtree, and rents in the houseshare section there.

good luck : )

- toby - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

Go for a bar chain called Walkabout. They only want Aussies working behind the bars, to keep in with the theme. So if you and an English person are going for the same position there, you would be selected instead of him everytime just because you are Australian.

Edit: And f u c k you whoever voted this down, I speak the truth... unlike you.

- Bilbo - 03-24-2014 05:06 PM

You will more than likley find your passport is endorsed saying you cannot work or have access to public funds - unless you are able to get some waiver as Velocity is describing.

Nowadays the entire EC is entitled to work in Britain and employers can find themselves in lumber if they employ people from elsewhere. You can only usually get visas if you have highly specialist skills for which there is a shortage - but that won't include casual bar work.

- James - 03-24-2014 05:10 PM

Hey there Mike! You need to be aware that life as a foreigner is now really tough in London, apart if you have a resident permit or an actual UK passport. The actual government is really cracking down on the flux of foreign labour getting into the country, from outside the EU. You will hence find it pretty tough to get yourself a job mate as privileges are given to UK residents and EU folks. However, if you are an adventurous kind of person, you can still head there and try your luck! Hope to have answered your question and all the best!