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Does everything on my FB timeline show up in my friends' newsfeeds? - Printable Version

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Does everything on my FB timeline show up in my friends' newsfeeds? - Lucy Star - 03-24-2014 04:24 PM

When post comments to other FB pages, it shows up on my timeline. Does it also automatically show up on my friends' newsfeeds?

How can I stop it from showing up - I don't see any way to control it at the time that I make the comment.
My own status updates show up in my newsfeed, but my comments don't. That's why I thought they were hidden. Why don't they appear in my own newsfeed?

- lisa - 03-24-2014 04:25 PM

hello lucy star, every comment you post on your facebook timeline will always show on your friends and followers newsfeed......might not be immediate though cos facebook no shuffle posts...... And you can actually control your comments and who see your posts in your newsfeed privacy settings.......
Hope your question has been answered??

- abraXus - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

your activities show up in your friends tickers, not their news feed

if you dont know what a ticker is, you only see the ticker when you use a computer, you dont see it if you only use a phone

the whole purpose of facebook is to share your activities with your friends, so if you want to hide your activities from your friends, it's a bit pointless to have them on your friends list, but you can add them to your restricted list if for some reason you want them on your friends list but also dont want them to see any of your activities