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Should I go to the middle school that my boyfriend and most of my friends are going? - Printable Version

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Should I go to the middle school that my boyfriend and most of my friends are going? - Erin Hayes - 03-24-2014 04:24 PM

I wanted to go to the school they want to go to. But then my grandma told me about a middle school that focuses on journalism and I'm really into journalism. We went to the open house and they had a reading garden like 3 journalism classes and much more cool things! I have almost all of my friends numbers or they are on Facebook and I have my boyfriends number. So now It's either i chose my boyfriend or a school I really would enjoy! What should I do!?!?

- Emilyn Sim - 03-24-2014 04:29 PM

which is more worth it to you? Your love or your studies?

- Iris - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

Its not a choice between friends and boyfriend or school.
If they are real friends and he's a real boyfriend it wont matter.
Go to the journalism school as that is following your dreams and that is more important then more socializing with your boyfriend and friends. If your friendships and relationship is strong you'l still see them. Besides it'l prove to you if there serious about being your friend and boyfriend or if there fake?

- vitalis - 03-24-2014 04:34 PM

Choose the school....
Boyfriends do stupid things that sometimes make you wish you didn't have to bump into them everyday.. and the thrill on a date after sometime is always good..

Choose yo future, you never know when he will let you down..

- L - 03-24-2014 04:36 PM

You're can make friends at any school. The problem I have here is that journalism is one of those majors that yields less success. I would focus more on a general education, than jounalism.

- Briana - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

The school, chances are if you do go to the school with your boyfriend you'll end up breaking up with him since you're young and your friends will change once you reach high school, you can always make new friends at your new school.