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Will my family member's or others can see post i posted directly on someone's facebook timeline? - Printable Version

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Will my family member's or others can see post i posted directly on someone's facebook timeline? - Inayah - 03-24-2014 04:25 PM

if i post something directly on one of my fb friend be it family member or any other. Is it possible that our non -mutual friends can see the post?? For ex i post a pic to my friend's wall.her privacy is that she only shares with her friends not public. So my other friend's who are not her friend can see the pic from my profile?will they get update for the same like inayah has posted a pic on xyz's wall??or only the mutual frnd will be able to see?

- Adelina - 03-24-2014 04:27 PM

It's depent on how u or the other person have their privacy setting. If the other person have it open to the public, anybody can see it. But, if u allow all ur friends to see what u post, YES, even if there not friends in commond ur friend will see what u post on somebody wall/timeline. When u write something there is a button that u click, so u can choose who is allow to see ur post.