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She Has A Boyfriend, So What's Her Problem? - Printable Version

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She Has A Boyfriend, So What's Her Problem? - radius - 03-24-2014 04:26 PM

She puts her head down or act like she didn't see you when you guys make eye contact it is safe to say she does not like you at all right. She's 19 btw. She has a BOYFRIEND now. We were friends and im sure she liked me but I was shy and she eventually got a man.

Why would she be embarrassed? She follows me on instagram and for the most part likes my pictures

I saw her working at her new job with my dad. And she spoke to my dad to be polite but when I said hi she looked down. I even text her happy birthday and she did not respond,

Recently on Instagram she has been liking every picture I post with me in it except for the one with me and a girl in it.

- Veronica - 03-24-2014 04:35 PM

She likes you it seems like and maybe she doesn't want to because she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to be tempted and flirt because she don't want to be disrespect her boyfriend well either way she likes you and its obvious and you probably should have made a move when you had the chance

- Mimi - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

Sometimes that happens with someone we actually like. It's not as if having a boyfriend or a girlfriend prevents you from recognizing that other people are good looking - but usually it prevents you from acting on it. There are people that we are so attracted to it actually makes us tongue-tied even though we may not be like that with anyone else. That sounds like the case if she is liking your pics...maybe she can't look at you because her eyes will reveal how she really feels and since she knows she has a boyfriend she just avoids it altogether.

- Sophie - 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

She likes you but because she doesnt want anyone to notice that she does, she avoids you, especially because she has a boyfriend now.