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How do you feel about your whole family watching childbirth? - Printable Version

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How do you feel about your whole family watching childbirth? - MR B260 - 03-24-2014 04:27 PM

My friends daughter just gave birth and he video tapped it while the entire family watched in laws and all. He said they are going to put it on facebook it seems really creepy. I don't have kids, but if my daughter was having a kid I would not want to watch that and have everyone in the room watching as well as his brothers kids teen boys. When I was young in the 1980's I never heard of such a thing is the future going to be where the family watches and video tapes the conception of the child too?
So many agree with me I thought it was sick. He said didn't matter it was all about the baby. Why not wait until things are done and everyone is cleaned up and resting then invited the family in. It's no different then having a bunch of people in a room watching someone get an invasive procedure like getting your stomach pumped I don't want anyone but my wife in the room seeing that (due to a small intestinal blockage) Tube down the nose into the stomach not fun at all. Glad to hear this isn't the norm I think he is crazy I told him so too.

- MR B260 - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

Not happening. Ever. I didn't even want my dad inn the room when i was getting checked to see much i had dilated. No way do i want people other than my husband seeing the birth of our children.

- some girl - 03-24-2014 04:38 PM

I don't like that at all! I only had my husband, and my mother in law in the room with me. I wouldn't want the whole family to see me like that.

- Jena - 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

Nothing wrong with it at all if you're comfortable with that. Is that any different than tons of women that go on TV to give birth??

- Lee - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

No way, especially if they are filming the business end!

- American - 03-24-2014 04:52 PM

The only people in my delivery room beside me were my husband, my nurse and my doctor. My mom in law works on that unit in the hospital and she was off. I know she was present at her daughter's births but I asked for privacy. Childbirth is a very special and intimate experience. I don't have pictures or videos of it. I'm about to do it all over again in April, and I'm sticking to just hubby and hospital staff in the room.

- Suzy Q - 03-24-2014 04:54 PM

Different strokes for different folks. I don't understand this any more than I understand why anybody wants to have her parents, siblings and in-laws in the delivery room (I want nobody but my husband there) but as long as the woman actually giving birth is okay with it, I also don't think it is WRONG to videotape it and show the family.

Having said that: if I were part of that family, I would probably politely decline to watch. I have no desire to for instance see my brother's wife going through labour and childbirth. I draw the line at politely sitting through the obligate holiday slide shows.