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How Do I Make My Facebook Account Visible To My Friends And Friends Of Friends ONLY? - Printable Version

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How Do I Make My Facebook Account Visible To My Friends And Friends Of Friends ONLY? - xoMockingjayox - 03-24-2014 04:27 PM

So my mom got mad at me coz I got a FB account, but she agreed that I could delete it on the term that only my friends and friends of friends can see my account. is there anyway to block it from the public? thx ~C xx

- Noirin - 03-24-2014 04:35 PM

Go to account settings then security, click on how you connect, edit settings, it shows "who can look up your timeline by name", click on friends, also do same with who can send you fb messages, friends and who can send you friend requests, click on friends of friends.
Hope this helps you Wink