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Someone please help me? - Printable Version

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Someone please help me? - Jack - 03-24-2014 04:27 PM

First off I'm in high school I met this girl through her cousin (we all ate lunch together)and at first I didn't have any feelings for her and she got a boyfriend and a couple weeks later we started talking more (when we would talk we would talk for hours at a time on Facebook and in person we get along great)and I kinda started to have feelings for her but it was nothing like I have now anyways I stopped hanging out with her cousin cuz he got mixed up with some not cool people and I started eating lunch with someone who I would now call one of my best friends and I stopped talking to her for a while I mean we would say hey to each other and such but you get the jist but the group I was in had a falling out( it's a long story) so I started eating lunch with her again we will call her E anyways we started talking on Facebook and all the sudden we just talk 24/7 all the time literally from 8 in the morning to 12 at night just to start all over again the next day..lately she's been going through a lot and she told me she was really upset she told me she was gana tell me something that I couldn't tell anyone else and was all ears and she changed the subject saying she just wanted a puppy to cuddle with and then she apologized and said she just needed to get her mind off of it so we started talking about little stuff and ever since this I just can't get my mind off of her I love her I can't stop thinking about her but I don't know if it's mutual I wana ask really bad but she has a boyfriend I think that's what the problem was because she kept saying she was to clingy and such and her boyfriend was rating other girls on Facebook but I don't want to assume that's the problem

...I'm not the type to go after girls that already have boyfriend pluse I kinda talk to her boyfriend but idk I really can't get my mind off her I need advice..please help me
Man I really feel for this girl she is the most brightest most sweetest caring person i know she's really shy but she opens up with Idk

- straightKiller517 - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

Sounds like she likes you, but is shy