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How to improve my blog and get more followers? - Printable Version

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How to improve my blog and get more followers? - freefalling - 03-24-2014 04:28 PM

I have a tropical blog on tumblr. Any tips on improving it and getting more followers? Thanks!

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

aw you have a cute tumblr, i like it (:
BUT i would recommend changing your cursor (because i can't read what it says) and making the beach background of your title bolder because it's hard to read.

how to gain followers:
-reblog/like a lot of people's posts (they might follow you after they see you in their notes)
-post a lot of original content and tag it with loads of (relevant) tags
-you can search up "follow for a follow" and follow people who'll follow back
-ask people for follow backs
-share your tumblr on other social media sites
-talk to people, whether its by replying, asking, or reblogging stuff and adding a comment

- Breauna - 03-24-2014 04:43 PM

Your blog is nice maybe making it have infinite scrolling & changing your cursor.