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Is it me or my girlfriend causing problems? - Printable Version

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Is it me or my girlfriend causing problems? - Joe - 03-24-2014 04:29 PM

I have been with my girlfriend over 1 year and things have been pretty rough with good times and bad times. I always try to show her love and affection when I'm with her but she says go away and im luck if I get one kiss or cuddle per day. I must admit I am with her almost every night and I basically live with her and she keeps saying I'm possessive when all I do is try to cuddle or kiss her. She said to me that she wants more sex but ever time I ask her if she wants it or I start on her shes says "no all you think about is your cock". Don't get me wrong her but shes the one who asked me for more sex and is refusing it? I then say I love you before she leaves the house and go to kiss her and say she looks beautiful, I'm lucky if I get a kiss and a "love you" from her. She says she loves me when I ask "do you really love me cause I don't feel you do anymore". Recently I proposed to her and she said yes and was crying when I proposed, it was all over facebook, everyone knew about the minute I secured my love for her. 5 days down the line she says she don't want to be engaged to me as she felt pressured. this I don't understand as she was made up when i proposed and was showing her ring off :/ Now people still think we are engaged but she says she dont want to be. I do everything for this woman and I don't know what to do anymore. I always take her places and she will sit there with her headphones in when we are on public transport and ill be trying to make conversation buts she just dont want to. I clean up after her and everything and if I go to say like why dont you kiss me or anything like that she shout N! stop it like treating me like a dog but in a playful manor. I have cause some argument in the past but that was around 6 months ago and now I personally feel she does and says things to cause arguments and wind me up. The problem is when we argue, i'm the one who gets blamed and i'm the one in the wrong and i'm just afraid to argue incase i lose her. I'm on my last legs in this relationship and dont know what to do to make her happy anymore, i've tried everything and i even miss days of uni to spend time with her. A few days ago she just had this random rant at me saying your always here and your fat you need to lose weight and i only weight 12 stone :/ then after she had that rant for a while and I went and bought her chocolate from the shop she soon started being nice :/ It seems shes nice when i spend money but horrible when i spend time with her. What do you think the solution is? more space? more love/ less love? is it her or is it me?

- Margaret - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

I think you and her need a little break away from eachother u are moving things to fast especially after a year proposing to her been around each other basically 24 hours a day aint good causes to much tension see how u feel aftet the little break talk it out with her see how she feela about it

- MM - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

I don't understand why you proposed in the first place. You're not happy with the amount of affection she shows you, and instead of considering the possibility that maybe this is all she has to give you and either trying to appreciate other ways she shows she cares about you or just deciding it's not working and ending it, you get resentful and complain. And yes, she does sound somewhat demanding and irresponsible, but did you really think a ring was going to change that either? Stop doing things for her unless you genuinely want to do them, not because you're hoping to get something out of it or just want to shut her up, and if you're still not happy, let her go and move on.

- marianlaughs - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

She's using you and she's abusive and selfish, you need to cut her loose, get the ring back and move on, you deserve better.

- Messykatt - 03-24-2014 04:42 PM

I didn't make it through this wall of text. But what struck me as obvious is that you are barely communicating with her at an adult level. Yet for some reason you proposed to her? You said that as if it makes some kind of sense.

You're moving at warp speed in this relationship, and even when there aren't red flags everywhere, this is both risky and illogical. With the red flags in here, it makes your "engagement" flat out insane.

We're only hearing one side, but it's obvious you combined being young with moving too fast. This rarely ends well. If you're not ready to pull the plug, at least try to talk to her on a mature level and slow things down. Cancel your silly engagement and work on your relationship.