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Are American teenagers obsessed with Instagram? - Printable Version

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Are American teenagers obsessed with Instagram? - MissChérie! - 03-24-2014 04:29 PM

This is mostly teenage girls. I'm a Brit teenager and have noticed loads of videos of girls saying how they edit their Instagram photos, and I even saw a seventeen magazine article on it!

Is it really that big of a deal and why?

- Timothy - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

American teenagers are obsessed with one thing and one thing only - OTHER TEENAGERS!

- loudqueen047 - 03-24-2014 04:47 PM

People are incapable of doing anything except piss around on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter etc.

- Chamomile - 03-24-2014 04:53 PM

i saw the 17 article too! was it the ariana grande one?

everyone i know has an instagram, and im an american girl. they take pictures of their starbucks orders, their new shopping trips, and them with friends.

i take pictures of my food and my cat LOL.

It's fun, but not that big a deal. It's cool cu u can use the explore section to find specific photos based off of the hashtags, and you can show what you are doing, but its dumb because most girls just post selfies and lame quotes that aren't even theirs, they just stole a pic off google images. :/

HOWEVER. Vine, is like instagram but 6 second videos. there is a lot of cool ppl there. im gwenguin on vine and instagram. follow me Smile

vine is way better than instagram. Smile instagram is old, and basically just for bragging. vine is for comedy and or showing what you are doing, etc... on vine i post how i cook, or i post my pets, or i post like, stop-animations Smile

don't get instagram. its a big deal, but it is dumb. Vine less people have, but is way more creative.

- Que sera, sera. - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

I don't think it's strictly an American thing. Some of my favorite people to follow on instagram are from other countries, and they upload ALL of the time. One from Canada, a handful from places in the UK, two absolute favorites from Queensland, and on the 'popular' page, I always see Korean uploaders. Many aren't even teens, but adults recording their jobs, their children, and exciting life events. A lot of teenagers use it to upload annoying 'selfies' and their Starbucks drinks, but I don't think they're the majority, if you actively look for more quality people to follow. It's like a visual blog. Smile