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Why is Gay bullying a hate crime when bullying the disabled is not? - Printable Version

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Why is Gay bullying a hate crime when bullying the disabled is not? - Livy. - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

My older brother who is a Sofimore in high school he has Autism/Bipolar he has been a target for bullying for long time. Like he has tried to kill himself before. He is my older brother and as me being his sister it kills me to see him being depressed all the time. He is a good poet and writer. There is all this stuff about gay rights and how those who bully gays should be executed and at the same time there are the disordered teens who are bullied all the time when a gay teen commits suicide the crooked Media calls it a hate crime. ( Btw, most bullying is not towards gays cause gays are a minority that there are not many of) Call me a hate monger or whatever, but all i see is it is just cruel to go scream how gays should be protected while The Gov't says that anyone who they do nor like is Mentally ill. Theres all the support for the gay rights why is there not protests for the suicides of Autistic teens who are disabled and are committing suicide by the 1,000s people somehow think that the LGBT bullying is a hate crime while the teen boys who are bullied due to disorders have no advocate. Let God Judge them all. They say how we should tolerate LGBT who CHOSE to be gay???? Don't be deceived. You can't be born gay. You can be born you can be born disabled though. True hate crime is letting disabled be bullied and nothing be done. It is pure Garbage to think that Gay rights and gay bullying is so danggy important and how it is a hate crime while they let the mentaly ill like my brother die our and fade away. There are doctors who specialize in suicide assistance for disabled teens. The disabled is not a minority there are worldwide many disabled people. I don't get it why there are all these gay rights campaigns to stop gay bullying and gay suicide while doctors are being trained to assist in suicide for disabled teens. It is just the fact there is no reason for this to be the case. Jail the suicide doctors execute them. It is not Equality for there being laws for gays and sucide doctors for autistics. This is inequality!!! This is unfair!!!! Cruel!!!! How dare my smart good grades brother be put through cain while the gays are being treated well by force. Look, my brother can get depressed and i worry about him DOES ANYBODY CARE!?????!!!!!! NO!!!!! Letting the gays be anti builled and treating the disabled with cruelty. That my friends is hate.
I am not an enemy to gays i am no enemy to anyone When the gay rights movement started in the 80s it was Sexual Preference now somehow it has been changed to Sexual Orientation. My whole point is that gays have been candied up while my brother is being bullied to death ?
Any answers given that make any claims about reasons why gays should be more defended than boys like my brother will be counted as hate speech

- Hello - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

You know, I'm bipolar and have PTSD and was bullied and was asked if I was retarded and had all sorts of bad stuff happen to me, and never once have I used any of that to hate monger on LGBT people or any other demographic. How the hell do you think it's a choice, unless you're an ignorant bisexual with a complex? Anyway, if a couple of grown-ups down the street have a loving gay relationship with each other, that doesn't affect you at all, so mind your own damn business.

- Rickey - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

Maybe because those who are disabled can't stand up for themselves, and people who hate themselves feel the need to do so. I'm really sorry about your experience, some people are really messed up.

Also, there are multiple scientific studies with clear evidence that homosexuality is not a choice, I feel for you, I really do, but don't ask for other people to not be ignorant when you are being ignorant yourself. I hope things get better for you.
Take care of yourself, and your brother.

- supergal57 - 03-24-2014 04:48 PM

I don't know where you live, but in Canada it IS a hate crime along with any other type of bullying. Obviously it isn't where you live, but it is not ignored everywhere. I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I know how hard it is to watch siblings suffer like that (my older brother also attempted suicide). I would also like to point out that I have been at least somewhat attracted to girls for as long as I can remember. I never woke up and said 'I think I'm going to be a lesbian'. Smile

I agree with you, that there should be more recognition for bullying directed towards disabled people. I would also like to point out that humanity has progressed a lot more in the ways of acceptance of disabled people than it has with the LGBT community. (60 years ago people would lock their autistic or otherwise disabled children in the basement and beat them/starve them...nowadays, you don't see that happening nearly as often as you hear about gay people being beaten to death in the middle of a busy city. I'm not saying that anyone should be defended MORE and I'm not saying it still doesn't happen today, but I'm also saying it's not just the media and LGBT advocates blowing everything out of proportion.

I think you would be able to create a really great campaign to raise awareness about cases like your brother's, because I'm sure there are thousands of cases just like his everywhere. Get some supporters, get some information and create a campaign. Spread it through social media sites and DON'T GIVE UP and you could start a chain reaction and raise awareness about bullying directed towards the disabled. That's what all of those people who started the gay rights movement did. They're the reason there's so much about LGBT rights in the media these days. The only reason there isn't such a big kerfuffle about bullying the disabled is because no one has raised enough hell yet! Smile

Best of luck, and again, I'm really sorry to hear that your brother has had to deal with such a horrible time. And the assisted suicide doctors...I just shake my head at that... I mean, if someone is in constant unbearable physical pain and has to spend thousands of dollars on healthcare a week and have 0% chance of ever having a remotely enjoyable life I can sort of see it, but there aren't any other scenarios I can think of that I can even begin to feel less than disgusted at...