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Information about warped tour? - Printable Version

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Information about warped tour? - Meg - 03-24-2014 04:30 PM

If I'm lucky, I may be going to warped tour for the first time, when it comes to Montreal! I just want to know I bit more about it! I have the app and I follow them on whatever social media I have, but I still have a few questions. One of them being when they list the bands that are going, does that mean they'll be at all dates, or select ones? Plus, if someone who's been before could tell me, what's it like? I'm kinda colostrophobic but I love music so much, I'll put up with the crowd. But are there lots of bass playing at the same time on different stages? Also, I would say that I a responsible person and I'd be with a parent, but is it appropriate for people in their mid teen? Plus if you've heard any rumour if BVB, SWS or PTV are going , that would be a great help. Thanks!!!

- Manda - 03-24-2014 04:35 PM

Warped Tour is tons of fun!
No not all the bands will be at every date. They have their off days. If you go to then go to bands at the top of the page and click on the band you want to see it will tell you which dates they'll be at warped.
Warped tour can get a bit crazy. If your claustrophobic make sure to stay out of mosh pits. They usually tend to start in the middle of the crowd. Also if your going to a really popular band you might not want to go in the front. Last year I was in the front of the crowd during Sleeping With Sirens and I was get pushed and scratched and hit in the head by crowd surfers and ya it was crazy. Kellin Quinn had to pause the concert midway to get people out because there were tons of people hurt or passed out.
It's super hot at Warped so make sure to wear light clothing and comfortable shoes. Also bring water that is sealed. When I went last year they took away water bottles that were opened.
If there are stages near each other they take turns playing. so while one band is playing the stage next to them is cleaning up then setting up for the next band.
There are very few people there with their parents. I went last year when I was 16 and I just went with a group of friends. If you can't find friends to go with then I guess it's best to go with a parent. I would feel awkward though if I went with my parents. Just don't go alone though.
I know BVB and SWS went last year and PTV went like 3 years ago I think but I really hope they go again. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out.