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Can media bring social change? If yes, why? Give reasons.? - Printable Version

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Can media bring social change? If yes, why? Give reasons.? - ME just me - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

Can media bring social change? If you can, list books that support your arguments.

- Good_Intentions31 - 03-24-2014 04:33 PM

the media has been doing it for instills fears and promotes can cause panic and bring on hate towards other.Some good books I've read are called Dread,Media virus;hidden agendas in pop culture,The culture of FEAR;why americans are afraid of the wrong things.Thats just a few but there are several others that show how society is driven by media and what they put out.Look at the swine flew.dont really hear much about it anymore but it had the world in a panic buying masks and trying to get shots they didnt really test all that well.standards and whats acceptable is all set mostly by media sadly.