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if all the foreign born ppl in the UK...? - Printable Version

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if all the foreign born ppl in the UK...? - Bongo - 03-24-2014 04:31 PM

Disappeared overnight, literally disappeared- what would happen to the UK housing and rental markets? Now before you all go off on a troll hunt, it's for an economics module I'm taking part time at the local uni about economic benefits (and costs) of immigration. So, would the house prices drop because all of a sudden there's far less demand for housing? Would rental prices also drop? Would there be a rise in inflation because low paid unskilled migrants working in agriculture would be gone so we'd have no way of getting food to the table? Would we be able to house UK homeless in houses hitherto occupied by said migrants? Any other consequences (economically) you can think of? Cheers.

- Robert - 03-24-2014 04:36 PM

Not much would lightly not make much difference.

- Nick - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

I dunno we would deal with those issues once we have stopped celebrating

- WENDEL HOMES - 03-24-2014 04:48 PM

Then you need to study how it was just after WWII when housing in some places was not easy to find yet the price of rent was quite low... I personally believe that most of our nations problems are caused by the wealthy who were against anything that was nationalised and did their utmost to undermine those industries that would have flourished had the management been more energetic in making industry work for the nation instead of opting to undermine for the benefit of their friends in the wealthy quarter.
Please note the tory papers did a lot of harm in the way they brainwashed ordinary folk into believing that privately owned rather than state owned would make us richer... look around you and see the fallout today.
Gas through the roof , electric through the roof , water charges through the roof, mining still extracts tons of coal from beneath our feet, North sea oil (the finest quality in the world ) is sold off cheaply to the foreign bidders
Scotland should go it alone if they can keep the greedy at bay for I have come to the conclusion that we in this country of England are treated as mere ants in an ant hill whose prime purpose is to make the rich even richer at no cost to themselves.
Our parents are mostly to blame when it comes to agriculture for they allowed the offspring to become a lazy lot who consider work something that can be done at a pace that would watch crops wither.

- hoarseman - 03-24-2014 04:52 PM

Immigration over the past 10 to 15 years have put huge pressures onto housing , medical services and education -- one would have to be mind numbingly blinkered not to admit that .Without that immigration , we would not have the pressures we do have on (social) housing , medical services and , particularly our "infant" and "junior" schools .

The question is really about whether the advantages that this immigration may have brought ,outweigh those disadvantages.?

Personally , I think the answer is No.

Moderation is needed in most things ,because too much of most things will cause you harm .And that applies to immigration too.

- Greg - 03-24-2014 04:53 PM

There would be a large number of vaccancies which could turn into a huge problem as there would be much fewer people in important positions like doctors and teachers.

- captain - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

It may surprise you but the housing market is not dictated by supply and demand.

If all the foreign people left the UK, the economy would almost overnight collapse entirely.

The only country to EVER do this was Germany in 1933. Things were already bad, but they sealed there own fate as soon as they banned foreign people the result was within days their inflation shot through the roof and their money almost worthless. Rents were unaffected. The cost of a loaf of bread went sky high, but the cost of a house remained the same - thus rents which are tied into the house price and residential value as opposed to the market remained constant.

A nice house on a nice road will get higher rent than an IDENTICAL house on the next road, simply because of where the house is.

All landlords try to buck the trend, they will buy a property and let it at just over the ceiling price on any given road, so if every other property they will ask maybe 50 more. If it does not rent they will lower it to the same as the rest of the road.

Renting is weird lol, its a great business for residual income and some (VERY FEW) get incredibly rich from it, the rest just live good lifestyles thanks to it.

House prices in the UK will remain high for a while longer, but soon they will drop to virtually worthless.

- ibu guru - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

From a study I did in Los Angeles County in the mid-1990's, which would be applicable to your situation in UK:

At that time, over 10% of the population of the county was illegal aliens. If everyone of them departed or was deported with their minor children, the county hospital would have made a profit of over $100 million, instead of a loss of nearly $500 million (costs of treating illegal aliens who refused to pay anything toward their hospital bills). According to a hospital executive at another hospital in the county, 25% of every hospital bill they issued was costs shifted from illegal aliens' treatment, and another 25% was paperwork costs for the government.

Nearly half of subsidized housing was housing illegal aliens. Eliminate those illegal-alien households, and waiting lists for them would have dropped from 7-10 years to 1-2 years. There would have been enough subsidized housing to provide for the elderly & disabled poor.

Illegal aliens increase demands for social services, housing, education, etc. But they do not produce anything nearly enough to provide for their own needs (& for their dependents). Thus, prices skyrocket, e.g. rents increase, but income & tax revenue decreases despite dramatic increases in tax rates. Once you calculate the money they take out of circulation through remittances to their home countries, the "multiplier effect" of earnings evaporates, and impoverishes everyone.

What would happen in UK? Rents would become more affordable. Most of the homeless, especially the working poor, could afford to pay rent since their job prospects would increase while rents declined (surprisingly, rents don't decline a great deal, only about 10% - but affordability increases rather dramatically!). The elderly & disabled would have enough public or subsidized housing. Homelessness declines about 50% when illegal aliens are deleted from economic equations.

There's tons more data. But start looking at the numbers of illegal aliens & immigration law violators in public/council housing, the numbers of illegals who actually work vs. their dependents, numbers of illegals working vs. jobless, etc.

RE: agriculture - another study found that the price of tomatoes in the US would rise about 2 or 3 cents a pound (net) by eliminating illegal aliens in agriculture, with wages barely rising, but tax-costs reduced by 10%. Furthermore, more farmers & ranchers would purchase harvesting equipment, and that boosts manufacturing sector and generates higher-wage jobs.