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why does someone i love treat me like crap? - Printable Version

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why does someone i love treat me like crap? - GiggityGiggityGoo! - 03-24-2014 04:35 PM

I loved this guy more than anything. And I did everything for him. Because I really cared. We were together for a while but I broke up with him because he would still talk to girls behind my back in sexual ways. But I'm weak and wanted to remain friends. That was going well until he made plans with me and decides to ditch me for some other girl that I assume he barely knows. He didn't even apologize, and the other night I just took him out to get a few drinks because he isn't doing good financially. It just hurts so so much to care about someone and not get anything in returned.

Today I dropped his stuff off at his house and blocked him on facebook. I told him I did not want to talk to him again because he does not appreciate me and I hope that he is proud. I know I'm doing the right thing. But it is really, really hard.

I'm so sad and I just need help getting over this. Why are people like this? And what can help me forget about him?

- Muffy Luvs - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

Niggazz will be niggazz. You just gotta move on and find a better looking niggah

- kjgvldm - 03-24-2014 04:48 PM

Find somebody else. You totally did the right thing and he obviously doesn't care about you so...
And do not unblock him, don't contact him and don't reply if he does. He treats you this way because you are weak and he takes advantage of this and he doesn't care. You'll get over it eventually, don't worry

- jezreal - 03-24-2014 04:56 PM

hi 5 girl, you did the right thing, let no man treat you like a piece of trash wait upon the right guy, and when he comes believe me, you need no one to tell you he is the one

- Murzy - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

the only way to get passed this is to follow the no contact rule. no texts, calls, emails, don't ck his FB page, etc. any contact even negative contact like don't call me or leave me alone will only encourage him and send the wrong message. it hurts the healing process. remember, no contact at all