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What are the rules about parents posting photos of their minor child online to punish and shame the child? - Printable Version

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What are the rules about parents posting photos of their minor child online to punish and shame the child? - Patricia - 03-24-2014 04:36 PM

This week a photo of a child named Hailey, age about 11 - 14 was posted on the internet by her parents. In the photo, Hailey is holding a sign saying her parents are punishing her for cyber bullying. This post was shared on many social media, such as Reddit and Facebook and now has gone viral world wide.Some posters blurred the child's face, but others did not. It got thousands of "likes". Many people making comments approve of the parents doing this, saying it will teach the child never to cyber bully again. But many other comments disapprove, saying the parents are claiming to be teaching her not to cyber bully by cyber bulling her themselves. Many people making comments seem to think the parents have given them permission to make denigrating remarks about the child (for example, one comment calls her a "little bitch" and says she deserves to be humiliated on the internet and it will teach her never to bully again (even though, of course, they don't actually know her or know what she did, specifically, to deserve this). My own opinion is that this is abusive parenting because the parents are not only cyber bullying their child, but have set her up to be cyber-bullied by others on the internet.-- for the rest of her life because the photo cannot easily be removed from the internet. What are the rules or laws protecting minor children from parents or other adults, such as teachers, from punishing a child by posting their photo online to shame them? And if I see more photos of minor children being punished online, what steps can I take to protect the child?

- Under Siege - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

They are not cyber bullying their child. They put up a photo and other people cyber bullied them. They're actually relying on other bullies to teach their child a lesson- which is ironic- but the parents themselves were not abusive or cruel.

- Phoenix - 03-24-2014 04:49 PM

I am sorry, I have no sympathy for bullies cyber or otherwise.

- ZikeL - 03-24-2014 04:54 PM

I mean images can only have a complaint filed on a site to site basis and considering of how many reposts there are i say its impossible. Also this is an adquetepunishment depending on the severity of the punishment. If she calls a girl a slut just once then its too much. But if she was doing something more severe(such as spamming some girls with insults and threats then yea i agree with the punishment. Lastly 99.99% dont know her and wont ever will. Also since she is still young she will completly change in a couple of years with puberty. and this will most likly be forgotten by internet users and people in school will only remember it vaugly as an embarasing storry which nearly every person has(such as i got beat up once,ect.)

- marymac99 - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

this is terrible. Parents should not publicly punish their children for any reason. They are syber bullying and punishing her for doing it. Whose going to punish them/