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Survey: 25+ women - How do you use social media? - Printable Version

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Survey: 25+ women - How do you use social media? - Twistedkeys - 03-24-2014 04:36 PM

Answer the questions below:

What is your age?

How often do you use social media?

Do you find out about brands through social media?

Would you purchase a product through social media?

Are people's reviews and comments on brands and products important to you?

Do you believe it's important that brands talk with customers through social media?

Do you go out of your way to use promotions and coupons that are social media based?

How likely are you to suggest a product you love, or share your bad experience with a product you hate, on social media?


- sophieb - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

I'm retired
I'm on the net daily, 8 or more hours
I find new things on the internet, but I am loyal to old products I've known about and used.
I used to buy on the internet but it got way too expensive
I'm not swayed by other peoples opinions
I don't know anything about brands talking to brands
promotions and coupons are messy, things go awry so no thanks
I'm a 10 when it comes to suggesting what I love and sharing bad experiences on social media.

- Kitten 2 cat - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

Answer the questions below:

What is your age?

How often do you use social media?

Do you find out about brands through social media?.

Would you purchase a product through social media

Are people's reviews and comments on brands and products important to you?
More or less. It really depends.

Do you believe it's important that brands talk with customers through social media?
It's better for their reputation.

Do you go out of your way to use promotions and coupons that are social media based?

How likely are you to suggest a product you love, or share your bad experience with a product you hate, on social media?
If I had one, very unlikely.
