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Twitter and Instagram are pointless and stupid? - Printable Version

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Twitter and Instagram are pointless and stupid? - thedudex33 - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

I am a Facebook user because it's an awesome way of connecting with people and it is very useful. My problem is with everybody using Instagram and Twitter these days. Facebook has every feature that these have and much more. The point of Instagram and Twitter is just to get attention and be a social networking whore. Most of my friends have all three and a lot of them are even saying that Instagram and Twitter are better than Facebook. It just really annoys me how stupid these people can be and how pointless these sites are when Facebook has all of these features rolled into one. Other than a fact that people are attention whores what is the point of having all these worthless little sites?
@Jade: Are you kidding me? That's the purpose of Instagram and Twitter. WIth Facebook you can actually do things that matter.

- Jade - 03-24-2014 04:41 PM

Twitter and Instagram are sooooo much better. Facebook is full of attention seeking whores with their tits out to get likes on pictures.

- Xavier Yancy - 03-24-2014 04:48 PM

If a man with me everyone I know switching to go to Twitter Instagram I personally think this stupid Facebook's better but I'm making a Twitter you just to stay current eventually they will realize Facebook is better and come back to it.....I hope lol

- Zoey - 03-24-2014 04:50 PM

I agree, Instagram AND Twitter are full of attention whores. Though, Facebook is, too. I have Instagram & Facebook. I love 'em both. Twitter is just stupid & pointless.

- California Kid - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

thesocialrequest is better than all of them