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After heart break I have no desire to meet a new woman.? - Printable Version

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After heart break I have no desire to meet a new woman.? - se - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

My girlfriend left me for another guy. I have accepted it and am trying to move on like she clearly has.

Everywhere I look I see her in my mind and I am struggling to find any women attractive.

Has this happened to anyone else and how long was it before you felt normal and like you could trust again?

Thank you

- Ree 9 - 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

Just move on .. really there are plenty more NICE girls out there ! And it is her loses IF she doesn't come back to you !

- johnb693 - 03-24-2014 04:44 PM

Very few of us, haven't had this happen to us, it's all part of the dating scene.
Yes we all get over it and move on. That doesn't mean, it doesn't hurt and often deeply.
Sometimes, it's just a week or so, other times it can take months.
Depends on how long you were with them and how deeply you felt about them.
If you've only been dating a short time, then it's easier to get over, not all the time, but easier than a long term relationship.
The trust issue, is a harder one to get over, Trust can take ages to build up, and can often be lost in seconds or minutes.
Seeing your girl, with someone else or kissing them, can definitely ruin any trust you may have had, with that girl. That is not, easily over come.

- MO - 03-24-2014 04:50 PM

I was in a very similar situation, my boyfriend left me for a girl he'd JUST met. For me this came out of nowhere, I had no idea he wasn't happy in our relationship. I know how much it hurts. I didn't eat, didn't sleep, and broke down every time I was alone. Couldn't even look at other guys. No libido. Stupid things like commercials with people kissing, or puppies, or a song I thought he might have liked made me feel physical pain. I know right now it seems like things will never get better, but they will. It's a slow process. It takes time. Let it. Things will get a little easier each day. Stay busy. Delete her number. Do NOT answer calls/texts. Block her and the guy on social media. You'll be happier not knowing. I made the mistake of keeping in contact with my ex and trying to accept my their apology months down the line, but after being betrayed like that trying to fix the relationship was like trying to tape together a broken vase. Let them go. Your ex is obviously a very selfish, immature, fickle person. You two are not compatible at this point.
For me, it took about a year before I didn't wake up every morning with him on my mind. I still think of him sometimes and miss what we had, but I'm happier without him. I didn't really think I'd ever be able to trust again, but then I met someone new and we just clicked. It was easy. I felt like I'd known them for ages (cliche, I know.) You'll meet the right person, and you'll know. I think being with them has really been the final push for getting over my ex. I wouldn't recommend getting with someone just to try and get over your last relationship. I actually had a short "rebound" relationship, and if anything it just made things worse.

Good luck. I'm sorry.