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I need help with sending a cute text or paragraph XD to my man :)? - Printable Version

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I need help with sending a cute text or paragraph XD to my man :)? - Kassandra - 03-24-2014 04:37 PM

I need help w/ something lovey dovey for my boyfriend.
He always sends me texts around midnight so i could wake up to them. or when we're texting he'll lag out of the random and send me like a 5page text describing how much he loves me and stuff like that.
And i feel bad because idk how to be all love dovey like that. He always manages to leave me speechless and i just need big time help!
Could you guys help me please! Smile
I'd really appreciate it
Thanks. <3

- ageless - 03-24-2014 04:42 PM

He sounds like a true romantic. I can understand how you want to return the sentiment and be somewhat creative. Try a few of these tweets and check out the page often for "loving crush" type sayings. I'm sure you'll find something cute to send. Hope this helps!