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Facebook blocked me from my profile!? - Printable Version

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Facebook blocked me from my profile!? - Yokohama andrea - 03-24-2014 04:38 PM

My mom wanted me to make a facebook profile for her. Two weeks ago I was created a profile for my mom on facebook. I used her email address but when she wasn't confirming her email address I added and used mine to help her get set up and add some friends from her. Once I had her pages set up I went to the account settings and removed my email address from her account (and I kept her email on the account). After I did that I was no longer able to use my email address to access my own facebook profile. I sent help messages to facebook but all I got were these autoreplys that did not help. I went back in forth with the "Facebook Help Team" for 8 emails over the course of the past two weeks. All of their email's were autoreplys. Facebook has stopped responding to my emails. I miss my account. I used to check it everyday bc I live in Japan and facebook is what keeps me in-touch with my friends and family with the 13 hour time difference. How do I contact facebook and get an actual person? Here is what I have done so far:

1.) I told them what I just told you
2.) I told them my username is no longer working and gave them another email
3.) I asked them to see if my account was hacked and my email changed
4.) I asked them if my account was hacked and my password changed
5.) My profile still exists bc I can see it through my husband's profile.

Nothing I asked got my problem resolved. I never once got a personal response. I know facebook is a FREE service and they make money from the advertisements, I know they owe me nothing but is there anyway to get a personal response? I really miss my friends.

- Burdettedog - 03-24-2014 04:42 PM

oo maybe using your email on another account removed your account, im sorry about the luck, i would hate to say this but you might need to make another Sad