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How to have privacy in college dorm room? - Printable Version

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How to have privacy in college dorm room? - A - 03-24-2014 04:38 PM

Despite having my own dorm room with NO roommate, I am concerned about my lack of privacy. People have overheard me at times where I do not wish to be observed.
There is a girl on my floor with Asperger's and I told myself in my room that she "really gets on my nerves." The girl's roommate unfortunately overheard and told her. Basically, she was upset over something that I didn't intend to share with anyone.
Second, I worked hard on an assignment, just to realize I didn't follow directions. I muttered to myself, withOUT meaning it, that "I'd rather kill myself than start all over again," which I'd NEVER do. I enjoy college and recover quickly from problems, but I tend to be a "drama queen". I was then called to a meeting, and explained that I was only exaggerating and my remark was NOT even meant for others to hear. However, they still called my parents about it.
Due to these two incidents, I wish to make sure nobody hears anything that I don't want them to. How can I ensure myself privacy in the future?

- webjnke1 - 03-24-2014 04:43 PM

Don't talk to yourself so loud. You're just asking for people to hear it.

- Educated Silence - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

You're in a building with numerous other people, so there's very little you can do about being overheard. I imagine you'd have had to be talking rather loud if you were overheard both times as dorms don't tend to have paper thin walls. Your privacy is going to be invaded in some way, shape, or form, but that's to be expected with college. Maybe try not talking so loud. It may not seem loud to you, but if you have a voice that carries, others will overhear you easier. If you feel the need to vent, why not go for a walk around campus (safely) later at night? You can't expect absolute privacy, but I don't see how anyone should've been able to hear you if you were in your dorm room with the door closed. Hope this helps.

- VanessaFas - 03-24-2014 04:51 PM

I think you are talking very loudly, most dorms have cinder block walls for privacy. I suggest a)moving back home and attending a local community college, b)seeing a therapist about boundary and attention-seeking, and c)working on not badmouthing Asperger's. You sound like an uninformed bigot when you do.

- Bent Snowman - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

Even with the thinnest walls, you must be really talking loudly. Easy fix: talk quieter. You know that.

- Jennifer - 03-24-2014 05:10 PM

Unless you can get a place off campus, there really isn't much that you can do. Unfortunately, when you are someplace where there are always a lot of people around, someone is bound to over hear you.

- Cjmjm2 - 03-24-2014 05:18 PM

Take to your friends on social media private messaging so no one can hear. Dorm rooms are that way. That is why they are cheaper to live in.

Plus that girl has every right to be upset. It was rude to talk behind her back anyway whether her roommate heard it or not really isn't the issue in that case. And at least someone cared about you enough to try to find help for something they thought you needed help with. If you heard someone say they would kill themselves wouldn't you tell?