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Why are people racist and colorist? What's your opinion.? - Printable Version

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Why are people racist and colorist? What's your opinion.? - Francis - 03-24-2014 04:39 PM

Okay, so I'm an British-Indian lad. I come from a highly Southern-Asian and Black working class area in Birmingham, but I've moved to an area that's white and middle-class for university. The people are nice, respectful and I was surprised by the amount of white women who seemed interested in me more so than women of my own race from my hometown. I'm seeing one now actually.

Curiously, I wanted to find out a bit more about inter-racial dating in a positive light. The amount of horrifying crap I've seen being exchanged left me upset. One woman claimed that white people shouldn't date Indians cos that would degrade the Caucasian gene pool and was really big on the skin colour variations of us. Some Indian dude was talking about how white people are from the Devil.

It made me think about racism in general. Personally, I was brought up in a home where we were taught to respect people for being people cos we're all human, but yo, it's really scary and worrying to think that other people have those kind of things in their head.

Why are some people racist?

- ksnake10 - 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

Attractive white woman are a status symbol to both white men and non-white men. That's one of the main factors driving racism and colorism. The more that non-white men pursue white women, the more white men will see white women as a prized commodity and not want to date outside their race.

Non-white men are giving non-white women an inferiority complex by choosing to date, or at least trying to date white women. It's non-white men's fault that non-white women bleach their skin and have cosmetic surgery in an attempt to look more Caucasian.

- Neil - 03-24-2014 04:44 PM

It's about rivalry, the key to most Racism is the fear the 'others' will over-run you, and take over.

So it's based on fear, fear of losing yourself, your own identity to 'others'.

How to deal with it, just like you were taught at home, show people you're a person, just like them, racism fades when people get to know an actual person of the 'group' they fear, because at the end of the day we're all people, that want roughly the same things.

- GG - 03-24-2014 04:50 PM

Racism is just one form of discrimination. It's a variant of the roots of the word stranger. Stranger generally meant enemy, from fear of the strange or different. We have a fear or reluctance to embrace anything that is different, out of the ordinary or strange and what can be more different than people who don't look like 'your' people?

Differences are a lot of things but skin color can be the biggest because it's visual and the difference between dark skin and light skin can be major. We discriminate for other things too like accents, dress, eating habits, religion, sports preference, lifestyle, sexual preference, politics, the list goes on and on. We discriminate against people who are different for many reasons, skin color and racism is just one.

- Chris - 03-24-2014 04:55 PM

I'm not racist myself, but i do have my things. Like if an african american is on crack and is carrying a gun around shooting people out of insecurity, then i think of him as the word that is racist. Like if a mexican goes out of his way to get into an car accident out of desperation of money and doesn't speak a word of english and sues the person for it, then he is considered the word that is racist. As for other races, i ever saw any problems with them. I love peaceful situations and respect other races. I love mexicans and blacks and are friends with them. The only thing i can say about other white people being racist is because there afraid of being the minority.

- Eugenia - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

Francis I think people are racist out of ignorance. A lot of Caucasian people talk about tainting their pure race. Well there is no pure race no matter how you look at it. Everyone is in the melting pot some how.In today's society these racist thought that people verbalize are being handed down from family social media and once again ignorance. My son is mixed and his girlfriend is white. They have this issue all the time. I tell him to tell people that its non of their business who he dates because it doesn't involve them and to keep it moving. I truly think people make other peoples situations or status their business. They really need to understand that a person's skin color has nothing to do with anything. At the end of the day we all bleed red. Skin colors dont make anyone better than the other.

- Priya - 03-24-2014 05:04 PM

What you were taught at home- that comes from our ancestry, it has also shaped our genes and basically defines the kind of temperament we have. Therefore we are more susceptible to moral teaching than white people in this country. White people have a superiority complex. This too is genetic. A lot of people think that's rubbish but many can feel it and don't want to admit to it.
There,s loads of stuff I could go on about but that will take forever esp about history, culture, attitude, evolution etc etc.
What I am trying to say is racism exists and it is natural and it can be degrading- don't be naive about it.
I know we were to taught to respect but that doesn't sit well in this country and its white people. Whites and Asians are wired up to think differently.