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Is this girl creepy or is it just me? - Printable Version

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Is this girl creepy or is it just me? - Kristen Locket - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

Years ago I dated her ex-boyfriend. He lied to me telling me he wasnt seeing anyone and I didnt know about her. She begins to stalk me on Facebook and message me ( she even came to my house ). I told her I was sorry for dating him I didnt know. This was my Freshman year of college. A year later I run into her at a fast food place in my hometown and she told me she needed to tell me she was starting school (which I thought was a bit odd). Fast-foward 6 years and a friend of mine that is mutual friend told me she is attending school studying the same exact major I did and same exact minor as I did. And she transferred to a school which US rankings ranks 3 spots above my school and my friend also told me how she stated " how much smarter she is than others because she goes to such a highly ranked school unlike ___ (the one i attended)". I deleted my Facebook account years ago but find it creepy that she making passive aggressive comments targeting me after all these years. And still feels the need to put me down. Is she a bit creepy or is it just me? She is 30 and I am 24.

- Amanda - 03-24-2014 04:51 PM

lol yeah creepy much. shes jelly af she just wants to be as good as you Smile
answer mine?

- Sally - 03-24-2014 04:59 PM

This is a bit strange I must agree; however she may just feel very low about herself. Her boy-friend did leave her for you and as much as this wasn't your fault this could have made her feel like something was wrong with her. Maybe this wasn't the first time a boyfriend had left her. In return she felt like she had to change and saw you as the person she wanted to be. So now she may be trying to be almost like you; overall she is trying to bust her self esteem and making herself feel better. This is probably why she is saying her school is better she wants to have reinsurance that she is smart, pretty ect... honestly she is most likely just feels bad about her self and is trying to make herself happier