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30 Day Squat Challenge? - Printable Version

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30 Day Squat Challenge? - Autumn D - 03-24-2014 04:45 PM

I'm on day 11 of the challenge and I have major questions regarding it. I was wondering if I should be noticing a difference in appearance yet in my bum and my why thighs are so tight and swollen? When i go to put jeans on I dont see the definition yet I feel like I should, I stay in a constant state of sore in my front thighs and my bum feels sore everytime I'm sitting. Like the entire time I'm seated! if by chance I am somehow doing these wrong which I don't think I am because I've watched the proper form for squats, would that effect my results? I don't just do squats either I will do lunges in between my squats too. I just wonder when i will see the results and is it normal for your thighs to stay swollen looking and your bum to be sore the entire time ur sitting?

- Kenny - 03-24-2014 04:50 PM

The 30 day squat challenge is very popular among girls on the social media, however muscles don't grow so fast. It takes time. day 11 is still too soon.

Bodyweight squats only gives firmness. Like doing push ups firms your triceps, removing your flabby part on the arm which is one of woman's fear.
If you want big booty, the best way is to do weight squats and it does not have to be heavy, just enough resistances.

You can also follow fitness woman's Instagram which they post fitness routine and you can get a little inspiration from there. Also, the butt muscle is call "Glutes". You could Google or Youtube some knowledge and workout and use them.