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how does anjem choudary get away with it? - Printable Version

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how does anjem choudary get away with it? - john - 03-24-2014 04:46 PM

this freak has is allowed to radicalize innocent people with his hate speach, yet he is free to walk the streets without any police attention? Yet two people who made comments on twitter get arrested and this freak is till free to say what he wants? how does he get away with?

- Lila - 03-24-2014 04:51 PM

He's not the one who 'radicalised' them that's why

- Dynamicroom379 - 03-24-2014 04:58 PM

He is an asset of MI5/MI6

- old grumpy - 03-24-2014 05:06 PM

I think that is a question,many people have been asking. Choudary even boasted that the cleaver wielding low life, was one of his disciples.
Cops have previously claimed that they were powerless to arrest him. But than if you incite others to break the law or act in a violent way, surely you can be charged with a Criminal offence.
Choudary has said that the Prime Minister should be assassinated and called the Queen "Ugly"
So if the Police are looking for an offence, than surely, "Incitement to murder" is a good enough reason.
This low life is nothing more than an obnoxious odious waste of human flesh.
How does he get away, you ask.
As long as we have people in charge, who seek advise from the PC Brigade and those that only allow the Human Rights Act to be used by those that abuse it, you will have to wait.
Have a nice day.

- Michael - 03-24-2014 05:07 PM

Send him to G BAY
Along with every other person who has attended his rally's and classes

- David H - 03-24-2014 05:13 PM

He has a lot of religious (UK) muslim support - so the establishment leaves him alone - as to arresting this will bring down the 'wrath of Allah' (by muslim communities) on the political system and the public.

We are continually told by government/politicians that 'all peoples' enticing violence or breaking the law are subject to the laws of the would seem 'this clown' is the exception to that the above.

Not one UK politician has made a stand against the unfairness of your posting - all will go with the status not making waves.

These (ridiculous) HR/PC rulings favour all these extremists/general immigrants - who will claim political/society racist victimisation at the drop of a hat.

Theres no doubt about it....these muslim troubles are making muslims in general....the untouchables within the UK by the establishment.... who 'back off' all the time on issues concerning the likes of Choudary.

Forced (UK) political multi-culturalism over the years is the sole blame for all our current troubles of 'this sort'....without which - 'our country' would be free of the daily onslaught of the results of mass uncontrolled immigration thats apparent wherever we live.

Nobody in the UK voted for multi-culturalism - 'that' was forced on us 'all' by our own politicians - and our governments/politicians 'keep' telling 'us'....we live in a democracy and are governed by a democratic thinking/operating political system....gimme strength.!!.

- largeveil565 - 03-24-2014 05:14 PM

Liberals would consider that to be fascism and there would be an anti-fascist rally in the UK. Agains the so evil EDL who are racist for hating a religion.