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explain five stages of international marketing involvement? - Printable Version

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explain five stages of international marketing involvement? - mohan84_vijay - 03-24-2014 04:46 PM

its also phases of international marketing

- pankaj s - 03-24-2014 04:52 PM

International arketing involvement starts with Environmental Analysis. This stage includes Principle Constraint Analysis (which includes, Govt. attitude and Policies, Economic and Social Objectives, and Legal and Financial establishment)and Appropriate environmental variable data Analysis (which includes, Market characteristis and institutionalization, industry conditions and resources availability and distribution).
The next stage is Planning, where in the decisoin in made on the form of structure desired or required for the business (like trade / export, franchising, Investment / handshake, buyout / establishment).
the next stage is Structure, to decide the structure f the ransformation. next two stages are Operational Planning and Controlling the Marketing Program.
Stage 1 - Environmental Analusis
Stage 2 - Planning
Stage 3 - Structure
Stage 4 - Operational lanning
Stage 5 - Controlling the Marketing Program

- einnuel - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

There are several stages through which a firm may go as it becomes increasingly involved across borders. A purely domestic firm focuses only on its home market, has no current ambitions of expanding abroad, and does not perceive any significant competitive threat from abroad. Such a firm may eventually get some orders from abroad, which are seen either as an irritation (for small orders, there may be a great deal of effort and cost involved in obtaining relatively modest revenue) or as "icing on the cake." As the firm begins to export more, it enters the export stage, where little effort is made to market the product abroad, although an increasing number of foreign orders are filled. In the international stage, as certain country markets begin to appear especially attractive with more foreign orders originating there, the firm may go into countries on an ad hoc basis—that is, each country may be entered sequentially, but with relatively little learning and marketing efforts being shared across countries. In the multi-national stage, some efficiencies are pursued by standardizing across a region (e.g., Central America, West Africa, or Northern Europe). Finally, in the global stage, the focus centers on the entire World market, with decisions made optimize the product’s position across markets—the home country is no longer the center of the product. An example of a truly global company is Coca Cola.

Note that these stages represent points on a continuum from a purely domestic orientation to a truly global one; companies may fall in between these discrete stages, and different parts of the firm may have characteristics of various stages—for example, the pickup truck division of an auto-manufacturer may be largely domestically focused, while the passenger car division is globally focused. Although a global focus is generally appropriate for most large firms, note that it may not be ideal for all companies to pursue the global stage. For example, manufacturers of ice cubes may do well as domestic, or even locally centered, firms