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Concerned by my wife's online activities? - Printable Version

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Concerned by my wife's online activities? - Michael - 03-24-2014 04:50 PM

My wife left her social media message page open and I was quite concerned with what I saw. She had mainly messaged guys and after seeing the messages I asked her who the guys were and she said she won't use the social media site anymore and that the guys were people who she met before me.

What she doesn't realise is that I read a couple of the messages and one of the guys messaged her saying ' what about our wedding? Sad' and my wife replied 'I think it is illegal to have two weddings in England Smile'.

The second message I opened had a long message history and some of it was mildly sexual but all the messages were before my wife met me but she still messages him on occasions.

The final message I saw had a guy referring to his wife as 'my "wife"...' and my wife replied referring to me in her message as 'my "husband"...'

Maybe I am just worrying because my wife says they are only friends who she met before and that she would never leave me but I'm really not so confortable with it because of the attraction she clearly had towards them at some point. Should I be worried about these messages or forget about them?


- Charlie - 03-24-2014 04:52 PM

shes obviously cheating or ready to cheat.
so next time, screen shot and print those messages for proof, then find the best lawyer you can.

- Kathy - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

I know I wouldn't like it if my husband had messages like that on his history. Perhaps these are just friend and maybe there is nothing going on BUT why hasn't she mentioned these friends to you? Why has she been hiding them?
Don't just blow this off. Bottom line is she is getting something out of these chats or she wouldn't be doing it. Sorry.

- Taarzan - 03-24-2014 05:10 PM

Look you can beat yourself up over it all you want and people here can speculate all they want, some might say shes cheating or something while others might say its just harmless friendship.The one and the only way is to be straight forward about it and tell her your situation and how its making you feel.tell her that you dont want to hide your feelings from her and want your relationship to be based on trust and honesty and ask her for her help to clear the TALK.

- King Swahilli - 03-24-2014 05:20 PM

All people especially women want to feel desirable. They also like to have friends. You should be her biggest friend and not me a PITA about her chatting with some people on line. As a matter of fact if you really want to become her hero encourage it! She'll think you're the bee's knees.

- lostinspace - 03-24-2014 05:27 PM

You uncomfortable? You should be livid. This is a big deal, and your wife is carrying on several online affairs. These thing can quickly become full blown affairs. Pushing the boundries a little at a time until there is meeting in person and then physical affairs.

Your going to have to keep a close eye on this, she will most likely get better at hiding it and won't stop.

You need to tell her it stops NOW or you will be seeing a lawyer about a divorce. That may seem like over kill to you but rest assured if it isn't driven into her head what she is risking she will continue to push the limits until there is no coming back.

- RobertRay - 03-24-2014 05:35 PM

She seems to be carrying on emotional affairs with these men and it's not something you should turn a blind eye to. Behavior like this indicates something isn't right at home. Just because she said she is going to stop doesn't necessarily mean she will. She might just create a different account and find a way to be more secretive about it.

Since she already blew it off as being nothing, trying to talk to her may not yield any different results, but you should keep an eye on her online activity if you are concerned that it may continue. I know that checking on your wife's internet activity is not the right way to go, but if she won't open up to you about it and you really want answers, sometimes there is no other way.

Go with your gut on this one. If something doesn't seem right, try to find the answers you need whether it be from her or from her computer.

- Matthew - 03-24-2014 05:37 PM

when u had it open u should have,chatted back to him as if u were your wife and said something like [i love you, or when next time can we get it on? and when he replies back,there u go,so next time u get this opportunity do so,although since she's got caught cheating she will be very careful and log for her knowing him before she met you,question is,why she kept him a secret,and why is she so involved with him to do it behind ur back,i must say she gave u a sad excuse,but then u accepted it,red flags is real bro,she's cheating whether its emotional cheating or as u stated above the msg was sexual,wake her internet and go to tools, then go on temporary internet files and a list of cookies should appear listing all the websites she has been on, hope u catch her again!!! my brother installed the following and now he and his wife is divorce cause he found out thru this that she was dating online
also here's a trick Set up a shadow account and flirt with her account and see what she does,u'll be surprised;it could be that she is cheating on you. But it could also be that she is really interested in sex.Since your trust was broken you have your doubts about your wife, this will never change. The question you should be asking are you happy,You really need to think about where YOU stand and what YOUR willing to live with. Dont sit around and just blow it off because then you'll never be happy. Good luck!!!!
facebook sign up with unique name or get another yahoo sign up account or free dating sites and email her with flirts like;•Alright, I was wondering, what would you like to have? Dinner, my place.. Breakfast, in bed.. or both?•If I told you, you have an amazing body, would you hold that against me?•If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?when can we get together and have some good fun?

- Neil Azavedo - 03-24-2014 05:45 PM

Well Michael you need to relax and take it slow and easy before jumping to any conclusions.

You and your wife met on this social media site... Now that means that you both have a habit of communicating with people through this medium. She still continues to visit the site.. do you?

Also you have a job to keep yourself busy, does she?

Sometime people have a habit of overcoming their boredom, by communicating with people online, or going out with friends, shopping, watching too much TV etc. This boredom is nothing but the lack of excitement or entertainment in their life that drives them to such mediums. It is ofcourse a very unconscious way of living because they are unaware of this unconscious attachment that brings some spice into their life.

Nowadays most prople are prey to this unconscious way of living. And you right now need to support your wife emotionally so that she can break that habit. So do not focus on her negatives right now as it will not help..

What you can do is engage consciously in your relationship and start to live consciously to break this pattern of unconsciousness that creeps into relationships, take your wife out to the park or something, be frank and open with here, bring empathy in your relationship by listenng to her with openness, spend time with her when possible etc.

But to do all that you have to first practice self awareness so that you do not live life unconsciously. I have explained my point of view in my channel listed in the source.