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What is the best way to use social media as a form of marketing? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to use social media as a form of marketing? - Misty - 03-24-2014 04:52 PM

If someone owns a small business, what level of social media needs to be utilized?

- henry - 03-24-2014 04:58 PM

Here are some solutions you can consider.

1. You can enhance your marketing product details in social media.
2. Receiving people paying attention in your exclusive offering.
3. in Fb,Twitter Gather the people who is related to your business and you can get likes from them.
4. Social media level must be in the range of accepting only business related friends and post content and update your product attractive

- Wilmer - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

Track Your Results
This should go without saying, but in order to determine how effective your strategy is and which social media platforms are paying off, you need to track results. Fortunately, there’s an app for that. HootSuite, for example, allows you to track and analyze traffic on a range of platforms and costs only $9.99 per month after a 30-day free trial.
Resist the Urge to Automate

Automating your social media marketing campaign is convenient, but isn’t always a good idea. If your posts appear too automated or look like spam, your efforts could actually drive consumers away. Software that lets you post to multiple sites at once can be a good way to get your personal message out to a wider audience, but automating your social media strategy further can be dangerous. The reason social media is so effective is because of its human touch – lose that and you could just be spinning your wheels.

Strive for Compelling Content
If your content isn’t compelling, you’re just going through the motions. What you’re looking to post is relevant, accurate, and useable information that will inspire readers to respond, share your brand, and ultimately become new or repeat customers. What is it that customers and prospects like about your business? It could be expert knowledge or shared interests or something else entirely. Capitalize on that.
Make the Conversation Interactive

Even if your content is compelling and interesting, you still need to give readers that extra nudge to respond. Post questions for them to answer, or conduct surveys. Another great way to enhance your presence is to conduct “tweet chats,” where a pre-set topic is announced and the conversation begins at a scheduled time. Don’t forget to offer modest giveaways for those who respond to questions, participate in your surveys, or post product reviews. Even if it’s just a small discount or free shipping, social media customers love freebies!

Hire a Specialist
If all this has your head spinning and no one else in your organization can take on the job, hire a specialist to streamline and maximize your social media efforts. To find someone reputable, ask peers in your industry and other business owners outside of it for recommendations. Also ask the candidate to provide detail on specific campaigns run for other businesses, including results.

Final Thoughts
Social media, these days, is where it’s at – pure and simple. If you’ve been in business for a while, making the adjustment may be a stretch, but it’s a necessary one. Marketing via social media is intrinsically different from outdated forms of marketing, such as direct mail and the yellow pages. It can be less expensive, and with the right approach, readers will not only become customers, but will also share your business with their social networks. Think of it as word-of-mouth marketing gone viral. If you pair an intelligent approach with the time and effort, marketing via social media will launch your business to new heights.