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I am not great at chatting to girls please help 10 points? - Printable Version

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I am not great at chatting to girls please help 10 points? - OSuckerForLovex - 03-24-2014 04:53 PM

Before I start I want to say I am 15. Please don't say I'm too young as I am mature for my age and wouldn't do anything stupid.

Anyone there is this girl I like and we used to talk a lot on facebook. I sort of ruined it by not talking for a while which i admit was my fault. Anyway I tried to talk to her 2 weeks ago but since we both have prelims soon she was not on long. I told her I will speak to her soon. So i've decided I will talk to her after the prelims. I was wanting to know after our prelims are done what should I talk to her about should I ask her how she got on, should I ignore it? I am not confident talking to girls I think we are both shy as if she sees me in the corridor she never sees me I think this may be on purpose. She ignores me if she is with her friends or by herself. We used to get on really well last year when we had a class together but we don't share any classes this year so I don't see her often. Should I continue to speak on facebook and progress from there or should I do something different? Please help.

- Luke - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

Hey buddy,
I see your dilemma and we all have faced those hard times in the teen years. I have some advice for you and I know it will help. I married my dream girl and I'll tell you how:
1.Have Goals (A woman loves a man whose driven)
2.Have valuable conversation. The way you do this is study her likes. What is she crazy about, what does she keep talking about on Facebook. If you show her that you have like interest, it could be a winner.
3.Talk to other people. Let her see that people love having you company them.
4.Stay positive.
5.Don't tear people down to make yourself look good.
6.Let her know you want to be her friend. Not just a hit and run thing.