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My friend wants to set me up with this guy? - Printable Version

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My friend wants to set me up with this guy? - chain - 03-24-2014 04:53 PM

I'm a junior and homeschooled. I go to youth groups occasionally and I do have quite a few friends, but I honestly have not dated anyone at all, I've never been kissed or anything. Don't get me wrong, I have liked a few guys, I got close to dating one a year ago, then he turned out to be a jerk who did that to every girl. And the other couple guys I've liked, have always liked someone else. Even though those times DID suck, I've never been the type of girl whining about not having a boyfriend. I've never said once "awh I wish I had a boyfriend.." I have thought it a few times when I see ALL my friends with boyfriends and me without one, but I'm happy not being in a relationship honestly. My good friend recently started going to a new school a couple months ago, and even though shes a junior, shes basically friends with all the seniors, she hangs out with them at lunch and stuff the majority of the time. She said they're all popular, but they're all extremely nice and cool to hangout with and stuff. She told me today, that there is this boy at her table that she thinks me and him would be perfect together, I didn't really care that much and brushed it off, but then she started explaining him to me and he does sound really cool/nice. Then she told me to look him up on Facebook, and so I did, and he's really cute, too! But, then she basically said she wouldn't know how she would get us to meet or anything because I'm homeschooled and since he has a job he's usually busy with work. and she doesn't usually hangout with any of these people outside of school, only at lunch.

I wanted to tell her to show him a picture of me or give him my number or something, BUT, I figured that would come off waaay weird since he does not know me at all.

So this probably sounds stupid, but any ideas of how I could meet him somehow? I do think he's cute and what she says about him seems good!

- postal p - 03-24-2014 04:55 PM

Go see where he works. At least take a live look at him.