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I think I am going to jail please help me? - Printable Version

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I think I am going to jail please help me? - Keegan - 03-24-2014 04:54 PM

So this quite attrative girl followes me on instagram and we start liking each others pics, I'm 20, and and I thought she was of legal age in North Carolina which is 17+, we start texting and all of a sudden she says we should have sex because she thinks I'm good looking so I say yeah we should, so she sends me a pic and I send one back and we do this a couple times, then I take a couple minute break and she starts freaking out saying that she is underage and that I am going to jail for texting a underage girl and saying she'll call the cops on me, so me a college student working my ass off doing full hours, this would ruin my life...I had no idea she was underage, I'm guessing 16? Anyways she starts to message me on facebook harassing me saying she will call the cops and stuff then she calls me and says the same thing, and then she later on calls and says she is sorry and that she is 18 but after doing some research on her I think she is lying again. Then she asks if I want too text her later, umm no you just threatned to ruin my life theres no way I would text you...I didn't say that I was very civil with her and I explained to her that lying about your age and trying to get older guys in sending pics is wrong...If I knew she was underage theres no way in hell I would ever send a pic, I wouldn't even text her...I blocked her on all social media and blocked her phone number....I'm just scared for my life, I'm been severly depressed lately and this does not help...I'm literally shaking and can't type this sorry for so many errors.......please help me I'm begging, I asked a friend of mine ( she is a legal aged girl almost 21) because she was a mutual friend of hers and she said that this girl has been in trouble before for doing a similar thing, just please I feel like my life is going to be ruined and I feel like throwing up
I deleted all the pictures, blocked her on everything, like I said I was not rude I was clearly civil and well-mannered with her....I'm just so scared right now

- elaeblue - 03-24-2014 04:58 PM

Keep all correspondence you had with her. If she initiated the sex talk you can show the police if they show up.. but honestly you cant get into much trouble as long as you did not meet up with her.

- Raoul Duke - 03-24-2014 05:06 PM

stop worrying, you are fine. if you didn't even have sex with her you have nothing to worry about. relax.

- Amazingclam587 - 03-24-2014 05:11 PM

delete any pictures of hers, and as long as you actually did not do anything, you will not be in trouble. Just remember, only friend people on the internet, that you know in the real world

- Katie - 03-24-2014 05:18 PM

Depends on what she sent you and if you kept it to yourself - porno can be a crime in several ways from production to distribution and back again.

I'd wait and see what happens.

Save everything you have.

- buffalo biker - 03-24-2014 05:19 PM

prob wont get in trouble but even if you deleted the pics they can still find them and bring them up on your phone costs a lot of money to do that and they prob wont do that but just so you know you can delete anything you want on your phone or computer but it really nrver goes away its there forever

- El Jefe - 03-24-2014 05:20 PM

Were any of the pics nudes? If she sent any pics to you, they are child porn if she's really under 18 (not 17, 18! Yes, you can legally look at, touch, and have sex with a 17-year old, but if you take a picture of her, you're breaking the law!)

If you sent a nude pic of yourself to a minor, that is a crime as well.

If none of the pics were nudes, then no laws were broken here, and her threats are just empty threats. If she had said she was 14 and you had texted her, "lets have sex", you could be busted for attempting to have sex with an underage person. But since she represented herself as being of legal age, and you didn't try to meet her in person, no harm, no foul.

Whatever her age is, she sounds like a lot more trouble than she's worth.