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Should Social Media Be Banned? - Printable Version

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Should Social Media Be Banned? - Karanvir S - 03-24-2014 04:54 PM

Alrighty. WOAH WOAH WOAH! hold your horses! Don't just starting typing NO IT SHOULDNT! listen to my whole question. Basically I have a debate project. So I am on the side of Yes social media should be banned (even though i completely disagree!) and since I disagree I have no idea what to say to say Yes it should be banned. I thought of one like Oh Social Media is bad because people bully each other on it and many people have committed suicide because of the bullying that goes on their and give Amanda Todd as an example (RIP Amanda Todd) so please give me more ideas and arguments i could bring to the table during the debate. THANK YOU! and may the best answer win!
guys guys guys! relax. Its just a fake debate we are ahving in a grade 10 class. nothing serious i just need some ideas thank you

- Intellectualdoctor656 - 03-24-2014 04:56 PM

You make no sense and No it shouldn't be completely banned but controlled more effectively.

- Thisguy - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

LOL nice save, i was about to start pounding on the keyboard angrily!

Ok so you can say this:

The social media has been known to leak information about people online. Also, people show private information on the social media, which never gets off of it. Expand on that.

- Shawn Robin - 03-24-2014 05:01 PM

Well, it really can be bad for you in a lot of ways.
Here's a list of links to check out, you'll be sure to find useful info in them:

'Social Media Linked to Poor Academic Performance'
Link -

'Are Facebook & Instagram Making You Sick?: Why Social Media May Be Bad For Your Health'
Link -

'Why Facebook Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself'
Link -

'Social network may be driving loneliness '
Link -

'Are You a Social Media Narcissist?'

'10 Ways Social Media Affects Your Mental Health'
Link -

'The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good of Children's Use of Social Media'
Link -