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how to make a facebook account easily? - Printable Version

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how to make a facebook account easily? - Preeti - 03-24-2014 04:55 PM

I can not make a facebook account.I know nothing about the process of making a facebook account.Please help me,so that I can make a facebook account easily by myself

- Nobody - 03-24-2014 04:58 PM

log in to fill theform sign up you are done .......add me

- chelsie louise - 03-24-2014 05:05 PM

Step one: search in google "Facebook" and click on the one thr arts welcome to Facebook

Step 2: at the top it will say enter email address and password and Below there's like a thing that says "first name,last name,email address,password,age,gender and some other stuff fill that in with your details there's about 3 pages it's pretty simple them your done!

Step 3: enjoy Facebook and add some of your friends!

If this is to confusing go on YouTube!Big Grin

- Sandeep Pandey - 03-24-2014 05:06 PM

At first go to this url- And Fill The Form. Type 1st Name and Last name

Then Write your mail Id and re enter your mail id. And Chhose your password strong. After than Select your birthday.

And Last Chhose Your Gender and click on the sign up button...

- truthdemon - 03-24-2014 05:07 PM

to make a facebook account isn't hard at all i made 2 accounts by myself just sign up , fill in the blanks with what they are asking for you need first a valid email and a mobile phone if you haven't a mobile write a brother , mother , father ,friend ... number when they ask for it you need it just to receive confirmation code write it when they ask follow steps if they ask for an account picture download it from internet and choose it later if don't want getting friends step just ignore it and invite later hope i helped

- Mostafizur - 03-24-2014 05:12 PM

Step 1: Search in google "Facebook" and click on "Welcome to Facebook" there u will find the option to creat a new account.
Step 2:First u have to entere your- first name,last name,email address,password,age,gender and some other stuff filling that in with your details there's about 3 pages it's pretty simple them your done.
That's it