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As a waitress/waiter would you accept Facebook Friend Requests from Customers? - Printable Version

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As a waitress/waiter would you accept Facebook Friend Requests from Customers? - Criselle - 03-24-2014 04:56 PM

I'm a waitress and this guy (whom I've only seen once and really only talked to for less than 2 minutes before I had to go) keeps sending me a friend request on Facebook. He just said "You're beautiful," we introduced ourselves, asked where I went to college, and not much else..

He looked to be about late 20's...

If you were a waitress/waiter and in this situation would you accept a customer's friend request? Unless I saw HUGE potential for a relationship, or if we really became friends, I wouldn't bother accepting it because I think it's unprofessional and can make the workplace awkward if he comes in again...

What would you do? Would you/have you accepted friend requests from customers? Just curious Thanks! (:
I honestly didn't reveal any information besides my first name.... not even my last name which scares me about how he found me... I didn't even say what school I go to or anything, just my first name, so...

- Yay - 03-24-2014 05:05 PM

Hell no. He can ogle some other girl's vacation at the beach pics.

- Brooke - 03-24-2014 05:11 PM

If I was still a waitress, I had a facebook, and the guy was hot and didn't set off any red flags, then sure.

- LUCIFER - 03-24-2014 05:16 PM


- steepanger758 - 03-24-2014 05:21 PM

no, facebook is only for my closest friends

- teenybranch405 - 03-24-2014 05:23 PM

No Smile)

- Hipster Indy Vital - 03-24-2014 05:33 PM


- 81 X 7 - 03-24-2014 05:34 PM


- TexHabs - 03-24-2014 05:38 PM

Facebook was not around the last time I was a waiter. My only advise is to
exercise caution. Do you have mutual friends that know about this person?

- InstantKarma - 03-24-2014 05:47 PM

In that two minutes you must have revealed a whole heck of a lot about yourself, because not only does he know your full name, but he is kinda stalking you now on Facebook. You need to be more careful who you give so much information to so quickly, especially in this day and age of social media. Just because someone thinks you're beautiful is not enough to merit giving your full name and cell phone number out. Set your privacy settings so you are hard to locate on Facebook, and block him from finding you. Keep your conversations to a strictly professional level, and please, please be a little more cautious around strangers.